'The Devil's Double' is the story of Latif, Uday Hussein's body double. He's pressed into service with threats of death to his family. We see the corrupt, disgusting world Uday inhabits through Latif's eyes. The best part of this film was the trailer. There is no story to speak of and no character development. Dominic Cooper does a great job as Uday but is somewhat passive and unreadable as Latif. Most of the actors flounder with a flat unmanageable script.

The story itself is just a series of unconnected horrible things that Uday does: rapes, murders, and excessive drug use. Graphically portrayed. There is no resolution and we never really sympathize with Latif because he's so stoic, we never know who he really is. Uday, although crazy and horrible, at least energizes the scenes that he's in. All the other actors float through the movie with no direction. My favorite part of the movie was a brief scene with two of Saddam's doubles playing tennis. But 30 seconds can't save a film.
Don't See It.
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