Shadow/Claw, Sword/Citadel, Latro In The Mist, Soldier of Sidon, The Knight, The Wizard, Pirate Freedom, The Sorcerer's House -Gene Wolfe
Lord Foul's Bane, The Illearth Stone, The Power That Perserves -Stephen R. Donaldson
Dune -Frank Herbert
A Song Of Ice And Fire -George R.R. Martin.
American Gods, Anansi Boys, Neverwhere, Stardust, The Graveyard Book -Neil Gaiman
The Name Of The Wind, The Wise Man's Fear -Patrick Ruthfuss
The Stand, The Dark Tower Series -Stephen King
Snow Crash -Neal Stephenson
The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress -Robert A. Heinlein
The Space Trilogy, The Chronicles of Narnia -C.S. Lewis
The Blade Itself, Before They Are Hanged, Last Argument For Kings -Joe Abercrombie
The Earthsea Series -Ursala K. LeGuin
Harry Potter Series -J.K. Rowling
Gun, With Occasional Music -Jonathan Letham
World War Z -Max Brooks
Jonathan Strange And Mr. Norrell -Susanna Clarke
The Riftwar Saga -Raymond E. Feist
The Shannara Series, Word & Void Series -Terry Brooks
Time Travelers Wife -Audrey Niffenegger
A Clockwork Orange -Anthony Burgess
A Brave New World -Aldous Huxley
The Xanth Series, The Incarnations Of Immortality Series, Apprentice Adept Series, Killobyte -Piers Anthony
A Canticle For Lebowitz -Walter M. Miller
The Repairman Jack Series -F. Paul Wilson
The Change Series -S.M. Stirling
The Hunger Games Trilogy- Suzanne Collins
Battle Royale -Koushun Takami
The Prestige -Christopher Priest
Blue Light -Walter Mosley
The Other End Of Time -Frank Pohl
The Magician, The Magician King -Lev Grossman
His Dark Materials -Philip Pullman
A Wrinkle In Time -Madeline L'Engle
Frankenstein -Mary Shelley
The Death Gate Cycle -Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
Dragonriders of Pern Series -Anne McCaffrey
This is a work-in-progress comprehensive list, I'll be updating it periodically.
The Hunger Games Trilogy- Suzanne Collins
Battle Royale -Koushun Takami
The Prestige -Christopher Priest
Blue Light -Walter Mosley
The Other End Of Time -Frank Pohl
The Magician, The Magician King -Lev Grossman
His Dark Materials -Philip Pullman
A Wrinkle In Time -Madeline L'Engle
Frankenstein -Mary Shelley
The Death Gate Cycle -Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
Dragonriders of Pern Series -Anne McCaffrey
This is a work-in-progress comprehensive list, I'll be updating it periodically.
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