We had another great show last night. The show took off during a scene with Ryan and James. John came on and said James was a kid on top of a kid in a trench coat. Pants came on to be that kid then John got on Katie's shoulders to be another kid, eventually I came on for Ryan to make it a scene at a bar where everyone involved were kids on kids shoulders. It sounds dumb maybe but it was fun and funny. To be honest it felt perfect. And the audience knew it.
Later we called the idea back and I was a giraffe with John on my back with Katie under me chasing Ryan with Pants on his back and James on Pant's back. It was absurd and incredibly fun.
You'll have moments where you don't know what to do. Make a strong move. Follow the pattern. Keep it simple. You will make the most amazing discoveries.
Be Bold.
You'll have moments where you don't know what to do. Make a strong move. Follow the pattern. Keep it simple. You will make the most amazing discoveries.
Be Bold.
Rick is 'bout to break on through to the other side.