Sunday, March 23, 2014

'300: Rise of an Empire' A Review

300: Rise of an Empire is a fantasy action movie part prequel/part sequel to 2007's 300. The movie's first act depicts the events that led up to the Battle of Thermoylae, the second the naval engagement that took place congruently, and concludes with the Battle of Salamis.

The ostensible hero of the movie is Greek commander Themistocles played well by Sullivan Stapleton the Leonidas surrogate. Stapleton fails to reach the fervor or suicidal relish of Gerard Butler whose absence haunts each rousing speech. By far the show stealer and the reason to see the movie is Eva Green's Artemisa. Strong and cunning, beautiful and bold. Her over the top cloying performance captivate each overly CGIed frame she's in. The most interesting, daring, and layered scene is a violent and raucous sex seen between Stapleton and Green. Two commanders dedicated to war finding the only person that truly understands them on the opposing side.

Rise of an Empire delivers promised gore with spectacular naval battles but fails to equal let alone surpass it's precursor. The movie has a dusty hue, it lacks the stylish colors and cinematography that evoke fantasy and comic books that the original did. It is too realistic to it's detriment. CGI blood splattering aside. It is safe.

It is also morally unclear. Especially given the dynamic portrayal of Eva Green and her back story the Greeks are no longer the clear cut good guys. Without the benefit of righteousness 300: Rise of an Empire loses the glee gained from all the gore. It lacks the unabashed macho thrill which launched 300 to prominence.

Worth a watch simply for Eva Green's maverick insanity.

Rent It.

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