Wonder Woman 1984 is a superhero movie, the second in the Wonder Woman series. The movie opens on a flashback, young Diana aka Wonder Woman is competing in the Amazon's multi-stage athletic competition and after making a mistake attempts to cheat in order to win but is prevented by Antiope(Robin Wright) and told "no true hero is born from lies". In 1984 Diana(Gal Gadot) is working at the Smithsonian as Diana and fighting crime as Wonder Woman when she comes into contact with the Dreamstone, a monkey paw style wishing object. Max Lord(Pedro Pascal) a smarmy wanna be oil tycoon is on the hunt for the stone and hapless new employee at the Smithsonian Barbara(Kristen Wiig) is drawn into its orbit with unforeseen results.
Gadot carries the movie with assurance and the character is more rounded here than the previous installment where she was fresh off the island of the Amazon's. She's powerful but vulnerable, graceful yet human. It's a tough balance but the return of Chris Pine helps to give her emotional stakes. Pine goes pretty big and his humor and charm are a much needed addition. Pascal goes even bigger and his greedy, greasy, pathetic tycoon is delightful. Wiig begins as a version of a character we've seen from her many times but transforms into something dark and sinister that is surprising and a good counterpoint to Gadot's Diana. All in all a solid performance from the leads and supporting cast.
A wonderful thrumming 80's soundtrack, bang-on period costumes, and some fairly elaborate compelling action make for a vivid production. It's entertaining, it's got heart, it's sleek. The plot is a bit cumbersome and the climactic battle falls into the old DC trap of CGI slugfest but its forgivable.
In a year basically bereft of action or superhero movies WW84 is a welcome diversion although it doesn't deviate much from the formula.
Currently streaming on HBOMax.
See It.
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