Day Shift is an action/horror movie about vampire hunter Bud(Jamie Foxx) who is trying to get enough money together to pay for his daughter's school to prevent his ex-wife from moving. He has to get back in with the union and then contend with a mega-vampire who's attempting to take over the city.
Foxx is charming and competent as he always is but there's not much here to do much of anything with. The rest of the cast is great- Dave Franco, Snoop Dogg, Peter Stormare- but if the comedy and emotions are tired and trite it doesn't really matter.
For an action movie there is simply not enough action, there is, in essence, three fights and a car chase, all of which are great but in a two hour run time it doesn't feel like much. On top of that a lot of time is taken up with the parallel plot of absentee-dad-trying-to-make-good which isn't done with any real freshness in particular and is, in general, rote. The movie looks crisp, its got a solid soundtrack, Foxx is unquestionably a star but it never quite ascends beyond tolerable.
Mildly diverting.
Currently streaming on Netflix.
Don't See It.
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