Inside is a psychological thriller about Nemo(Willem Dafoe), an art thief, who is trapped inside a high rise luxury condo when a job goes bad. As he attempts to survive and escape his sanity and health begin to erode.
Dafoe joins the ranks of Sandra Bullock, Tom Hardy, and Robert Redford(among others) in this, in essence, solo performance film. A chance for Dafoe to really go for it and he certainly does, we see not only his acuity with grounded emotion but he also flashes of his avant garde back ground with more lyrical interpretive sequences. It's impressive. The ideas are intriguing if a bit heady and it doesn't necessarily all come together but its ambitious.
Shot almost entirely in the single formidable location it remains dynamic throughout as Nemo attempts various methods and means of escape. The pacing stays mostly in rhythm but drags occasionally with the more philosophical interludes, ultimately could be shaved down to a more effective 90 minutes but as is it doesn't detract too much.
An unapologetic art house thriller with a splendid Dafoe.
Currently in theaters, coming soon to VOD.
Rent It.
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