Holt is adrift in the mostly aimless, unfocused movie and deploys a painfully generic and inauthentic American accent. The rest of the cast equally struggle with the bizarre Lifetime movie tone, much of the acting is overwrought, unbelievable, and uncompelling. The exceptions are Toni Collette(as the prosecutor) and J. K. Simmons(as another juror) who's talent and professionalism are able to cut through a lot of the murk to give performances that resemble actual human beings.
The movie looks absolutely terrible, as if the cameras were purchased from a retailer like Best Buy, everything is flat, the coloring is washed out, and the various camera set ups look like they were slapped together with little to no thought.
The script itself is full of asinine plot holes that insult both the justice system and AA(Justin is supposedly a member). The "commentary" is so convoluted, self-righteous, and devoid of any meaningful real world corollary it truly boggles the mind. Billed as director Clint Eastwood's swan song the movie has been critically lauded which seem to be out of abject pity for a Hollywood 'legend' because taking this movie on its own merits it is poorly scripted, sloppily shot, and pathetically performed.
A complete and utter waste of time, money, and talent. To quote the late great Roger Ebert- I hated this movie. I hated hated hated this movie.
Currently streaming on Max.
Don't See It.
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