Thursday, January 31, 2013


Last night Echo, the team I coach, had a great show. It was fast, it was fun, and they made a couple of those intuitive leaps/connections that make you sit back during a show and say wow.

As time passes I get to watch them grow, become more confident, and more versatile. I try to guide them and push them in certain directions but I think it's time more than anything that helps them develop. I don't try to impose a style on any individual or the team as a whole. I try to recognize the style of the team and the individual, name it and cultivate it by giving them all the tools I can. Most of the time I think it's just teaching them all the different styles they can play in, the different moves they can make, the different ways to play a scene. Once they have a diverse knowledge of what they can do I let them loose to do whatever they want. I see whatever patterns emerge and try to refine and clarify it.

The team and I have gotten to know each other and I care about them all. They are all talented and I believe I help them in small ways to get better. It's gratifying to see progress, it's gratifying to see them take my advise. When we have a great show or a great rehearsal I feel good. I feel like I've done my job. I feel proud to be part of this group of energetic funny people who are taking some risks.

At the show last night I wanted to point and say: That's my team.

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