Tuesday, October 13, 2015


This past weekend I caught a pretty mean cough. Stuffed up, sneezing, sore throat, the whole works. It always comes as a surprise how overwhelming it can be, how much it takes out of you. I went into work today and on the train I struggled not to cough on everyone. When I got in to work I was hyper aware of the coughing/sneezing/runny-noses of my co-workers, paranoid that my germs were spreading, guilty that I may have gotten or was getting them sick. Of course its just that time of year. Its spreading. Everyone is sick, has co-workers or friends that are sick.

The seasons change and its what happens. It still sucks. Each year I forget how debilitating being sick can be. It takes so much more effort to go through the normal routine of getting up, commuting, and sitting at a desk. I'm feeling particularly exhausted and uninspired.

Hopefully it clears up quickly. Just got to stay rested, hydrated, and optimistic.

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