Thursday, October 28, 2021


Never got into sports
not my kinda thing
but even as a child
I understood the appeal
going to White Sox games
Rockford Lightening games
watching Jordan's Bulls on the TV
with my old man
I understood the appeal
when its good, when its really good
there's a rhythm to it
a rightness to it
within the confines
of the court or field
where there are a fixed set of rules
and refs or umps 
that enforce those rules
everything makes sense
everything is simplified
refined, clear, crystal
within these certain set parameters
people can soar
you can get swept up in it
the job, the mortgage, the grind
can fall away
and your left exactly in the moment
the thrill of it, the excitement of it
the sweat of it, the force of it
the immediacy of it

Like I said, I understand the appeal
but I was always more into Zorro.

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