The Wrath of Becky is an action thriller a sequel to the excellent 2020 flick Becky. After the events of the first film Becky(Lulu Wilson) runs away from a series of foster homes eventually landing with Elena(Denise Burse) an older lady living alone. Becky works at a local diner and has an altercation with a group of men in town for a Noble Men's rally(an insurrectionist group). They follow her home and attack her. Big mistake.
Wilson brings the same wild energy and manic glee that she did to the first film and its a treat to see. Sean Williams Scott as the heavy is a delight, clearly relishing the opportunity to be the villain and he shines. The limited supporting cast have talent and all are clearly going for it, its a treat to see and for this kind of low budget straight-to-VOD type flick something that you have to have.
Similar to the first film it takes place almost exclusively in a single location. The beautiful Georgia countryside is highlighted as is the really nice AirBnB they got to shoot at. It's not anything fancy but it looks good. The effects are the star, there's a lot of fake blood, a lot of arty innovative shots used to evoke disgust and relish that are even more potent because the filmmakers clearly had to get creative given the limited resources. The score is simple, one or two repeating refrains that serve to really up the tension and evoke mood.
Not as good as the more ambitious, more edgy original but a bloody good time none the less.
Currently available to rent on most VOD platforms. The OG Becky available to stream on Showtime.
Rent It.
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