Landscape with Invisible Hand is a science fiction film set in the near future where an alien species, the Vuvv, have taken over Earth. Highschooler and artist Adam(Asante Blackk) befriends a new student Chloe(Kylie Rogers) and invites her and her family to live with his. The two start dating and decide to broadcast it to the Vuvv in order to make money. Economic, romantic, and familial struggles ensue all under the pressure of Vuvv occupation.
Blackk is perfect in the role- grounded, open, emotive- both he and Rogers bring necessary reality and nuance to the high-concept story. Blackk shoulders the lead and much of the emotional and social commentary with an ease and vulnerability beyond his years. Rogers, in the smaller but no less impactful part, has a similar affecting gravitas that belies her years. The two together make this film unique, what may appear as YA is actually an R rated scifi allegory. The supporting cast is stacked with talent first among them Tiffany Haddish as Adam's mom, it's great to see her in a more grounded dramatic role, probably her best since her stunning debut in Girls Trip. Josh Hamilton as Chole's dad, Michael Gandolfini as Chloe's brother, William Jackson Harper as Adam's dad in one impactful but brief appearance- all know what kind of film they are in, all understand the tone and are able to thread the needle of genuine humanity, absurdism, and socio-economic commentary.
Visually the film is evocative with conservative but effective CGI, the rundown buildings, the food, Adam's artwork servicing as chapter guides, the aliens themselves, it all works together to create something eerie and mesmerizing, more akin to writer/director Cory Finley's excellent first feature Thoroughbreds than his more work-man-like(but still quite good) follow up Bad Education.
A stunning, transportive piece of genre filmmaking.
Currently in theaters, coming soon to VOD.
Don't Miss It.
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