Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem is an animated action comedy, a fresh take on the titular turtles. The movie opens on Baxter Stockman and the mutagenic ooze and serves as an implied origin for our heroes. We then flashesforward to the teenage turtles chaffing under their adopted father Splinter's over protectiveness. As they go out into NYC they meet April O'Neil a high school reporter and they hatch a plan to make the turtles media heroes so that they will be accepted outside the sewers.
The voice cast are all solid particularly the main four, the animation style is kind of a retro watercolor claymation type look that feels unique and is effective. The story plays a bit like a protracted episode of the 90's TV show which is great, it's a necessary return to form for the franchise after Michael Bay's bizarre takes. Its fun, its funny, its got heart. A good flick for kids and adults.
Not as innovative or rich as Into The Spider-Verse but a well made, well executed piece of popcorn entertainment.
Currently in theaters, coming soon to VOD.
Rent It.
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