Saturday, February 8, 2020


For a time
I struggled 
with a volatile temper,
anger an easy
even comforting
I'd revel 
in the righteousness
that often accompanied rage,
saw it as an asset
a talent
this acuity with ire.

Come to discover
perpetual turmoil
is acidic not empowering,
I began to grapple
with my bile
attempting some contentment,
but progress is always obscure.

Until today
when leaving the grocery store
and crossing the street 
during the appropriately
allotted time
white walk sign ablaze
a mini-van blew through the red light
and seemed about to strike me
I turned, lifted a leg
prepared to brace
for the possible impact
it stopped mere feet away
and I continued on my way
behind me another pedestrian
ranted and cursed
but I found I felt
no fury, no fear
no put-upon virtue
my day was

And for you perhaps
this may sound 
like inconsequential minutiae
if so I envy you
because for me
this was the triumph
of years of effort.

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