Bloodshot is an superhero movie based on the comics of the same name. The movie opens on Ray Garrison(Vin Diesel) on a military mission, he succeeds then returns home to reunite with his wife, they vacation in Italy only to be kidnapped and killed. Ray aka Bloodshot awakens in a lab to be informed his blood is filled with microscopic nanites which make him neigh on invincible. He leaves the facility to avenge his wife's death. But things aren't quite what they seem!
Diesel puts in another garish lead performance, mumbling and roaring through an uneven script. Diesel has presence and with the right role he can really shine, unfortunately this is not one of those times. Guy Pierce as the genius scientist with dubious motivations is woefully underutilized. The only real stand out is the two opposing programmers played by Siddharth Dhananjay and Lamorne Morris who have humor and display actual humanity. The rest of the cast unfortunately are so thinly drawn and give such stilted performances it plays like filler barely considered between action sequences.
Visually the movie has some style, some of the action and the "powers" of Bloodshot rendered pretty imaginatively but it cannot overcome the sheer banality of how the story and the performances are stichted together. There is a great idea in here, a decent action movie, but Bloodshot fails to reach beyond passing interest.
Currently available on most VOD platforms.
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