The Platform is a science-fiction horror-thriller set in a vertical multi-leveled tower prison/experimental facility where a large and lavish feast descends through the various numbered levels once a day. Each of the levels has two inmates and a limited time to eat, if in fact there is any food left. The film opens on Goreng(Iván Massagué) awakening on level 48 confused, his roommate Trimagasi(Zorion Eguileor) explains how the structure operates and the two form a rough companionship. Every month the residents are shuffled around to different levels. When Goreng awakens on level 171 things begin to change rapidly.
Massagué gives a wonderfully emotional, varied performance full of vulnerability and strength, a delightful weave of contradictions. Equileor is jovially menacing, his physical appearance short and squat almost gnome-like, grandfatherly belies the startling corruption of the character, the supporting cast is populated by various other inmates who all give terrific turns. For such a limited location and simple conceit, with many of the characters having very little screentime, the cast flushes out the world beautifully.
Stark but immaculate production design creates a simple but absolutely terrifying contained world. The minimal score and diegetic sound makes the film incredibly visceral as do the periodic sequences of lurid consumption and extravagant violence. As an allegory the ideas are evocative, as a piece of genre its incredibly clean and thoughtful, the pacing is near perfect, and although there are certainly some similarities one can draw to existing work ultimately it's feels if not totally unique then absolutely fresh.
Available to stream on Netflix.
Don't Miss It.
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