Code 8 is a science fiction movie set in a recent future where powered individuals have become a disenfranchised minority. Connor(Robbie Amell) is an underemployed electrokinetic who turns to illicit jobs in order to pay for a life saving medical procedure for his ailing mother. He joins the team of Garrett(Stephen Amell) a telekinetic and they pull various jobs. Connor enjoys his new power and position but is conflicted about the extent of his criminality.
Cousins Amell and Amell are both decent actors, have a solid, uncomplicated but still compelling presence, and the supporting cast is filled out with some intriguing Canadian actors but there's not much character or emotion to be mined. The narrative is diverting enough but more a hodge-podge of existing ideas and tropes(X-Men+future drug+heist+terminally ill parent) and story is sacrificed for pacing and plot. The movie moves but lacks any convincing heart.
For an indie sci-fi movie the production across the board is impressive. Transportive and alluring, dark, with enough action set pieces to keep the momentum going when the dialogue stumbles. Not amazing or particularly innovative but inarguably entertaining.
Currently streaming on Netflix.
Stream It.
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