Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Guy Walks Into A Bar

guy walks into a bar
bartender says "what'll you have"
guy says "a different life"
bartender says "you know how many pencil dick fucks
I get in here every day trying to be cute?"
guy says "i'm serious"
bartender says "ok, ok, you want me to play the wise and
wizened world-weary bartender with all the answers huh?
life ain't going the way you want it to that it?"
guy says "yeah"
bartender says "sorry jack i don't got shit for you, that's life,
gotta do what everyone does- therapy, exercise, eat healthy,
get some hobbies, socialize, stay busy, there ain't no secret
code to this life, you live it, you think you're special?
you ain't special, everybody has it tough, people talk like
they happy all the time, they ain't, post pics of their happy life,
that's artifice jack, they trying to will their happiness into
being, you can't be happy all the time, that's the lie they
sell you, contentment maybe you can get there, peace, that's
achievable but happiness? success? that's the hamster wheel jack. 
everybody got money problems or love problems or family problems,
everybody got days they wake up and wonder how'd i get here or
how'd i get nowhere, everybody got nights they can't sleep tossin'
and turnin' with worry or regret, everybody got the futile feelin'
creep up on 'em once in awhile. That's life jack, you just got to live it."
guy says "but-"
bartender says "shut up. some people say you get what you need but some
people think they need to be famous and win the lottery, be adored,
they always right, the truth is you get what you get. that ain't unfair, 
that ain't unjust, that's life. now if you can accept that, if you can accept 
the reality of your circumstance, then you can really start to live, 
then the world can open to a myriad of possibilities, after acceptance
comes action, not necessarily for a goal but for the satisfaction of the doing,
and somewhere along the line, maybe you find balance. harmony is the goal
not happiness, you following me jack?"
guy says "maybe"
bartender says "well order an actual drink or get the fuck out, there ain't no free lunch." 

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