Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Breaking 3

Mike was in town for a couple of days so he was able to make The Night Shift show tonight. The dynamic of the group is probably the easiest and most successful I've ever been apart of, impov and otherwise. Everything is very easy, everyone is very open, there is no judgement on people or their time or their level of participation. I would say we're close friends but its not as if we see each other a ton or stay in particularly close contact. I think it creates a very rare atmosphere of absolutely no pressure/all joy that make our shows incredibly fun to be in and, for the most part, exciting to watch.

During our show I broke twice. The first time we had set up a group scene at a restaurant. There was only four chairs so I grabbed a piano bench and one of those wooden TV dinner stands from back stage. Molly was perched precariously on the TV tray and about a minute and a half into the scene, which was developing into an intervention for my character, the TV tray broke and Molly almost fell. All six of us burst of laughing and almost immediately after started screaming and running around. I couldn't stop laughing. I was caught up in the chaotic absurdity of it all.

Already in a laughing mood towards the end of the show apropos of nothing in the scene Meaghan said "There's Sheryl Crow" Damian turned around and affirmed "Hey that is Sheryl Crow". We all paused, I think, to see if anyone would peel off to play her and no one did. For whatever reason that hit my funnybone hard. I lost it, I lost it so completely everyone else started losing it. I pushed out a line and the lights were pulled. I can judge the quality of the show but I think we all felt a palpable jubilation.

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