Friday, January 3, 2014

We All Owe A Death

Stephen King's Dark Tower series is one of my favorites, I just finished reading it again. One of the lines is "we all owe a death", it's a line King has used in a couple of his books, a version of the line originally from Hamlet. It always struck me and strikes me still.

I don't think about death often. I don't fantasize about it, I don't fear it. But I suffer no illusions regarding it's inevitability. I was given a gift, life, by some entity more powerful and knowing then I will ever be. A fleeting thought passing through some cosmic creature. And to that entity a debt is owed, the price of life is death.

Sitting on the train finishing one of my favorite books I read the line and sat back and reflected. If I died today I could accept it. Not because I desire it but because I am content and happy. For the first time in a long time I've been living well, have been of service, have been finding joy in things little and large, have been freely expressing love and receiving it from friends, family, and Nicole. There would be nothing I wish I would have said, no regrets to weigh me down. I would want more and be saddened by the snuffing of my little flame but bitter- no. I am grateful for my days, each and every one.

After years of misery and addiction I'm learning how to live. I look to the future with hope and nothing more.

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