Thursday, November 10, 2016


The irony is that fatalism is futile. There is no benefit to doom. Certainly a moment of despair or a time of mourning is something we are all entitled to. But remaining in a place of fear, wallowing in ennui does not serve us personally nor does it effect the society in which we remain. We move on by moving forward, we survive by taking action.

Yes, this election has been brutal. Yes, this outcome is heartbreaking and terrifying. But out of this pain, out of this loss there are opportunities. This pain provides an opportunity to come together as compassionate humans. Provides a real and compelling chance to unite. Not only is it a time to reach out to our friends and family for fellowship but it is a time to connect more broadly, rigorously exercise our empathy and understanding, because only by recognizing each other as thinking feeling valued humans can we hope to weather the coming trials. It also allows us an enemy that is distinct. Apathy has slowed progress for years, with hate and aggression writ large and loud on a national scale there are no excuses left, we must and will take action.

On taking action. To men I suggest this is a time to listen and follow more than speak and lead, whatever the conversation, whatever the battle it is not for us to define. What we can all do, the tools of progress and change remain what they have always been- organize, march, vote, donate. Social organizations will need financial support in the coming months and years more than ever. And aside from the philanthropic we vote with our dollars, research the companies you are giving your money to and be discerning about where and what you purchase.

And life goes on. Life endures. The sun will rise and set tomorrow. There'll still be Thanksgiving and 2017 will still come. We still have to commute and go to work and decide what to do on Sunday afternoon. There are still pleasures, large and small, still love and companionship and joy. The future may look bleak but its reality is something we can determine. We have the choice on how to proceed and I suggest moving forward with hope and kindness. For even the smallest act of generosity can make a ripple that becomes a wave. One day at a time, one hour at a time, one moment at a time we can make the choice not to succumb to darkness but to live in the light.

Fear is the mind-killer. Struggle not submission.

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