Friday, August 11, 2017

New Apartment

It's been about a month since Nicole and I moved into our new place. I forgot how much work it is, beyond the packing and the physical moving of stuff from one place to another, but the finding a place for everything, the arranging, the hanging of pictures, the repeated trips to Target for the miscellaneous home decor, because of course no apartment is uniform in its amenities. But now, seemingly, its all done and we've had a chance to settle in.

After living in Chicago on and off for eleven years I've lived in seven different apartments and six different neighborhoods. You become accustomed to moving and settling in to a new niche of the city. As time has gone on I've found it more fun than stressful. The finding of the new place is always the most stressful, the minutia that comes after requires time and effort but it ultimately boils down to simple tasks which you can check off.

Our new place is nice and spacious, the only weird thing is we suspect there may be a ghost. Spooooooky. The reality is that that old and tired adage "home is where the heart is" is true. And perhaps, I admit, I'm getting older and am more prone to see the wisdom in cliche rather than the irony. Wherever Nicole and I live we're going to make work, were going to have each other and be surrounded by those things that we value and have meaning- books, photos, art work, Ms. Kitty. We're also in this city which we've lived in for an increasing percentage of our lives. A place we know and we're apart of. Wherever we go, there we'll be, and it'll be home.

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