Tuesday, July 17, 2018

'Whitney' A Review

Whitney is a documentary about the life of singer and actor Whitney Houston. Through first person interviews, archival footage, home movies, and narration from Houston herself from past interviews the film follows her from childhood, to early fame, to superstardom, then eventually to her tragic death.

The most compelling aspect of the film is Houston's own words in the narration as well as her performances which showcase her one-of-a-kind talent. The why and how of her family life isn't particularly interesting and there is no real comment, observation, or conclusion being made by the filmmaker. For example there is the implication that the family were all supported by Houston's income but no actual reflection or insight about what this meant or the toll it took. The film implies Houston had a relationship with her friend and assistant Robyn Crawford but Crawford herself isn't in the film and the only commentary we have is from one of Houston's brother's who simply says "wicked". It's startlingly obtuse and in fact lazy.

Whitney Houston is one of the greatest icon's of the 20th century, a competently edited pastiche of archival footage would be interesting and this has many individuals from Houston's life participating however it ultimately fails to scratch the surface of who the star was and get's the nature of addiction very wrong.

Stream It.

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