Wednesday, August 7, 2019


the saddest thing about it is for awhile there i thought we were best friends
i wanted to hang out with you all the time and only partly because you had a car
i never had a brother never had a confidant never felt like someone totally got me
i thought you did we would drive around talking and inventing games and inside jokes
drop in on unsuspecting classmates or play video games and watch kubrick movies in awe
inseparable for awhile then you got a job at target and when i asked you that time at lunch
what your work schedule was you snapped at me as if my attention was unwanted
our friendship a burden like i was some repugnant leech and i never understood why
you said that and acted that way and we were never that close again and honestly
i hated you for awhile especially in college when you were such a negative boring
mopey waste of space and when i saw you at the reunion i realized it didn't really matter
and i didn't actually care about you and i was actually glad you made me feel like shit
for asking to hang out in the lunch room all those years ago because if you hadn't
i may not have realized what a friend is and should be and that its ok to let go of a friendship
that doesn't make sense or doesn't make you feel good or doesn't give you anything back
so really i'm actually really happy we were friends because we did have a great time
for those first couple months at least and then you helped me learn a valuable lesson
to let go.

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