Saturday, April 25, 2020

'Extraction' A Review

Extraction is an action/thriller about a tortured pill-popping booze-slurping former special forces mercenary Tyler(Chris Hemsworth) who gets hired to extract a kidnapped drug dealers son from a rival drug dealer being held in Bangladesh. An extravagant body count ensues.

Like many straight-to-Netflix action movies the cast has more talent than the project warrants or has any right to have. This is the type of movie that, before streaming, would have been permanently shelved or quietly dumped in January. Hemsworth's charms and charisma or muted to the point of non-performance, casting him in this if the intent was for an emotionless terminator style performance is kind of baffling. The supporting cast are all fine actors but the derivative script, brutally violence, and unrelenting(pointless) pace leave little room for actual entertainment.

It attempts to hit a lot of the same notes as Tony Scott's brilliant Man On Fire but with none of the artistry in production, the exciting action with actual stakes, or the heart it fails virtually any cinematic signpost other than "something to watch". Which, I guess, right now is at least something. Unfortunately there are many many movies of a similar mold that have done this substantially better like Man On Fire mentioned above or the 1987 adaptation of the same name or Equalizer or Taken or The Transporter.

Hurtles past negligible to forgettably banal. Now streaming on Netflix.

Don't See It.

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