Wednesday, July 15, 2020


As I child I would wake up
in the middle of the night
and quite naturally want my parents
alone and afraid in the dark
but I knew I had to have a reason
the normal night and shadow
being habitual were not proper cause
for midnight screaming
so I would compose a nightmare
usually involving dinosaurs
as that seemed the most plausible
and when I had my story straight
I would yell and shriek until they came
but their room was far away
and my sister's was right next door
one night after clamoring to no effect
she pounded on the wall and said "go to them"
sound advice as they had not come
so I gathered my courage
got out of bed and walked down the hall
but standing outside their door
in our dark and quiet house
I realized I was no longer afraid
If I was brave enough
to traverse alone our home at night
I had no need of their comfort
until the morning light
it was the last time I called for them.

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