Saturday, July 4, 2020

'John Lewis: Good Trouble' A Review

John Lewis: Good Trouble is a documentary about Civil Rights activist and congressman John Lewis. Through archival footage and interviews with himself, his family, and various politicians we get a rough sketch of his life and a firmer depiction of his activism from the 50's-70's and the beginning of his political career juxtaposed with the presidential election of 2016, the midterm election of 2018, and the continued fight against voter suppression.

Unequivocally an inspiring, moving, and powerful social and political figure the film doesn't go particularly deep into Lewis's biography or personal life but that's not the intent, the archival footage and his reflection on it of his time with MLK and SNCC is informative and effective and the juxtaposing of his early and later years makes clear the resonance and the fight that continues today for equality and substantial time is given to the right to vote. The film was completed prior to the nationwide protests against police brutality but its clear how the film and the ongoing struggle intertwine and communicate with each other. And so what if Lewis's few opaque actions aren't deeply interrogated(his ousting from SNCC, a somewhat 'dirty' campaign for city council in the 80's), this is not a 1000 page biography but a film and white politicians have ever been given pass after pass for egregious behavior, hell within the film we briefly see Bill Clinton after a reference to his repugnant 1994 crime bill(which Lewis voted no on) which he has never really been made to answer for. Some may consider the film too glowing but that's a double standard and Lewis's work and impact is inarguable. And even more does it underscore the ongoing fight for Civil Rights.

A moving portrait of a man who made change, who stressed the importance and sacred right of the vote, of equality, who advocated non-violence and unflinching dissent, who was a lovely, positive, playful person as well as a fearless warrior.

Available to rent on most VOD platforms.

Don't Miss It.

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