Friday, September 11, 2020

'Unpregnant' A Review

Unpregnant is a road trip dramedy about two estranged friends who reconnect after popular type-A Veronica(Haley Lu Richardson) gets pregnant and has only her outcast former best friend Bailey(Barbie Ferreira) to ask for a ride to Albuquerque, NM as she's in Missouri and can't get an abortion in-state without parental consent.

Richardson continues her streak of electric parts(Columbus, Support The Girls) showing range and charm to spare. Ferreira as the more unknown is the bigger surprise, bringing energy and a perfect balance of humor and pathos. The two have great chemistry and the friendship has a wonderful lived-in authentic quality, their off-beat humor and interests are right there on the surface although the two have gone different directions since growing apart. The reconciliation and what actually happened is played patiently and realistically bringing nice balance to the more over-the-top adventures they have on the trip. The supporting cast is solid but the focus, rightfully, is about the two leads and the tentative repair of their friendship.

An interesting companion piece to this year's Never Rarely Sometimes Always this is a much lighter comedic take on the trials and hurdles of abortion, even so the film doesn't shirk in addressing it. There's an incredible, bonkers almost gonzo sequence where the two fast off against a militant anti-choice couple, and Veronica with a staunch Catholic family has to address that which if not altogether satisfying is commendable. But what's more focused on than the abortion issue at large is the two young women and their friendship and it unfolds with an ease, charm, and humor which belies it's heart.

Laugh out loud funny, enough cringe inducing truth not to feel the unwanted pregnancy is being used as a plot point, and just a simple propulsive road trip film. Lots of adventures, lots of hijinx, and a fair amount of soul.

Currently streaming on HBO Max.

See It.

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