Saturday, November 21, 2020

'Jiu Jitsu' A Review

Jiu Jitsu is a scifi/martial arts movie about an amnesiac fighter Jake(Alain Moussi) who bounces between the US military, a secret society of which he's apparently a part, and a murderous alien. Jake must face his fears, with the help of eccentric hermit Wylie(Nicolas Cage), and stand up to Brax the predator derivative alien threat. The world is at stake!

Moussi along with basically the entire cast is woefully wooden, and the convoluted meandering script do no favors for these (excellent) martial artists and stunt people turned actors. Cage is the only one who is giving anything in the realm of a performance and although he's fun, as always, he's not doing anything particularly unique(for him) or putting in a ton of effort.

The low budget CGI isn't half bad, and the action sequences/fight choreography are well done and even have some ambition, although not always successful it's at least competent bordering on interesting. But the story is so abysmally paced, the back bone of the narrative so amorphous, it's not entirely apparent what is supposed to be happening at any given time, none of the characters motivations are ever really clear so they simply float through this already undefined wasteland of a story.

Currently available to rent on most VOD platforms. 

Don't See It.

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