Sunday, January 4, 2015

Wearing Winter

In the past week the Chicago winter has shown its teeth. We're no where near the soul-flattening potency of last year but it always comes as a bit of a shock, is always draining, something you need to steel yourself toward.

It's easy to fall prey to lethargy and irritability when you have to layer up and mentally fortify simply to leave the house. Everything seems to take more effort. But with preparation and acceptance you can weather the winter with some grace if little ease.

Nicole and I bundled up and made it to PMU for breakfast. Welcoming and delicious as always. We did not make it to the AMC downtown to see a movie like we had planned. We missed the train, it started to snow, it was just too gross. We packed it in and relaxed at home.

It's nice to cozy up at home when it's cold and wet outside. But I'm always a little leery of getting too comfortable in the winter. Too prone to stay in and wile away the days in a state of unproductive complacency. Stay warm but stay mobile.

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