Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Let Them Spin, We Will Win

This is a historic presidential election. The first woman major party nominee who is on track to be president, Hillary Clinton. Some of the singularity and importance of this has been lost due to Clinton's opponent, xenophobic sack of wet falafel Donald Trump, and the resulting exhausting negativity of both campaigns.

Last night was the first presidential debate and unequivocally Clinton won. Before the debate parallels were drawn to the 2000 election where Gore was wooden and scornful of Bush's lack of intellectualism which backfired. Clinton was prepared, poised, and calmly assertive. Paralells have been drawn to the 2008 election because of its historic nature. And leading up to that election it was a similarly "close race" with the subsequent Obama win. Through the lens of history this narrative of Trump "gaining ground" is suspect.

Not to say Clinton isn't flawed or that she will be any more progressive than the somewhat disappointing but steady tenure of Obama but there is only one outcome this election can and will take. The outcome of a Trump win is too bleak to even fathom and for those skeptical of Clinton John Oliver did an excellent piece on their respective scandals.

Certainly the state of the union is in need of massive reform and Clinton may not be able to deliver the kind of sweeping change the nation so desperately needs but things will get better. Slowly but surely. And perhaps pave the way for an honest-to-goodness progressive in the not too distant future.

Regardless of Trump's pandering, his provocative hate-speech, his appeal to the reptile in us all he will fail. His campaign will equivocate, rant, and pervert, its what they do. Let them spin, we will win. There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come. A woman will hold the highest office in government. 45th president of the United States Hillary Clinton.

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