Thursday, April 20, 2017

Artistic Respect

Earlier today we got asked if an original Annoyance member, who was looking to get back into performing, could come play in the Fishbowl. The answer was of course yes. We, my team that hosts the show Sight Unseen, try to be open and inviting to anyone who wants to come participate and play with the students. Before the show we looked up the guy's website which on the start page has a big picture of him and Jay Leno and lists him as a professional MC. I'm a bit skeptical but I'm trying to keep an open mind.

Jimmy is out of town this week and some of the other folks were running late for various reasons so I was the only one there before the show, not typical, so I was scrambling a bit to get things set up. This guy comes into the theater, old and overweight, and starts immediately name dropping the famous people he knew back in the 80's. He's loudly and passive aggressively making comments implying he expected to be greeted and given the red carpet. Mike, a friend and frequent Fishbowl player, introduces himself talks to him a bit and brings him over to me. I attempt to explain the format but the third time he interrupts me I just give up. He then makes a sarcastic comment thinly disguised as a joke about how "organized" we were. I responded firmly but with what I felt to be significant restraint telling him we'd been doing the show successfully for two years thank you. He didn't watch the opening group and tried to rope other performs into listening to him name drop, he was cringe worthy in the Fishbowl, and left after we started our set. This is all to say the guy was a real tool.

Point being respect should be the watchword. I'm sure I come across from time to time as superior or judgmental and the reality is that I'm just reserved, quiet until comfortable. But that's something I'm aware of and I work on. Make an effort to be welcoming and make conversation with people when they're doing my shows and I try to be open and agreeable when I'm doing theirs. Perhaps all his bluster and "I knew Pasquesi and Messing when" crap was just nerves but I don't think so and even if it was his behavior was inexcusable. Rudeness and entitlement have no place in the world at large or a theater where people are putting themselves out there in vulnerable ways donating their time and talent in most cases with no recompense save for the pleasure and satisfaction derived from the work itself. It is important to be aware of how we behave regardless of what reverence or difference we believe we deserve, because most of the time we don't deserve any. What we do deserve is common decency and respect. What that looks like is simple humility(regardless of stature) and basic politeness. Ultimately we're all the same- thinking feeling humans trying to make our way through life. That is the truth regardless of age, wealth, or "success".

Let's cut the bullshit and respect each other. You want to come do our show? Feel free. But I'm not going to give you preferential treatment. I'll treat you as an equal. Which you are.

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