Friday, June 23, 2017

What I'll Miss

The hallway most of all, it's bright orange paint
the name of which so tickled us
Circus Peanut.
Other than that
it was just an apartment
I think it's just the time
that makes it hard to leave
it's familiar
and comfortable
our nest
a home we made
over weeks and months and years.

But the things I won't miss
are much easier to name
the list much longer
Spacca Napoli
and there vapid screeching clientele
their raucous early morning deliveries
and power washing
the daily dozen repeated crashing shatter
of a garbage bag full of wine bottles
being thrown carelessly into a dumpster
by the staff who nightly loiter with car speakers blaring,
our neighbors, sweet lord, their idiocy
their stomping toddler
their nightly drunken maddening classic rock serenades
the chalk "murals" the mom would "create"
stoned beyond coherence and parental responsibility
the unapologetic and perhaps oblivious proliferation of all their junk in common areas
the dad, unsolicited, approaching me on the privacy of the back porch, glass in hand, to chat,
the unreliable washer and dryer,
the scribbled rent reminder notes slipped under the door,
the lack of sunlight,

Actually maybe it's just the neighbors.
God they are truly awful.

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