Monday, September 25, 2017

City Park

Took the streetcar up to City Park this morning, there are tons of tourists out and about and its amazing how patient not only the RTA employees are but the locals too. The laid back reputation of the New Orleans citizens is not unearned.
There's a mini railroad that runs through the park, presumably some kind of ride but it wasn't in operation today.
We went through the botanical gardens which were gorgeous and extensive. The first section is a sculpture garden from artist Enrique Alférez.

The rest of the gardens were immaculate, we got there right when it opened so it was relatively deserted.

Next to the gardens is StoryLand this incredibly bizarre kids park with huge fiberglass fairytale characters and playground equipment.
On our way out of the park we walked through the art musuems sculpture garden. Also very striking.
I was surprised about how much stuff was out in the open air throughout the park, shouldn't be a surprise really given how temperate the climate down here is. It's our last night in New Orleans tonight and before we leave tomorrow were going to Dooky Chase's.

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