Wednesday, January 31, 2018

You Get What You Get

In a group that I'm apart of there's a saying "life on life's terms" meaning basically accept the challenges and success as they come, stay in the moment, roll with the punches. Because attempting to manage and control life never works out positively. There's another saying "you get what you need" meaning if you're taking action and doing the right thing, things will work out, you'll find you are provided for. And for the most part I've found that to be true.

A couple months back a friend of mine said "people say 'you get what you need' but the longer you stick around you find out 'you get what you get'". And it really struck me. Because try as you might life happens. You can prepare, plan, and set goals all you want but no matter what there will be surprises, challenges, the unexpected, the unanticipated. And need is a tricky word, what do I ultimately need? Food, water, shelter. Companionship maybe, but that being a necessity is debatable. So anything beyond that is a want, is desire. And there's nothing wrong with it but that doesn't mean I'm necessarily entitled to those things.

Life can be wondrous and mercurial, draining and triumphant, desperate and delightful. Depends on the day, the month, the year. You get what you get. It's not about what we posses, what we attain, it's about how we handle life as it comes, with balance and grace or with resentment, fear, and entitlement. Things will come up, positive and negative, in their own time and in their own way. We don't dictate the terms of life we simply live it. What it really boils down to is acceptance.

Most circumstances and situations are outside of our control. We could have a string of bad luck followed by a string of good luck followed by weeks of the ordinary. It's about getting up every day, doing our best, and taking action to whatever degree and to whatever amount of success. Sometimes your best will be that of someone who is tired and bored, other times your best will reflect boundless energy and optimism. Both are OK. Sometimes you take action, you attempt, and you fail, other times you achieve, I would allege both are successes. Because happiness and contentment aren't a result of what we own its about how we act and who we are. You play the good hands just like the bad ones, as best you can, its not about the cards you get its how you play them. Because ultimately you don't control the deal, you get what you get.

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