Apollo 10 1/2 is an animated coming-of-age semi-autobiographical movie from writer/director Richard Linklater. The movie opens with the fantasy recruitment of the ten year old Stanley for the fictiously titular space mission. Vignettes of Stanely's childhood in 60's suburban Houston are juxtaposed with his fantasy sequences in space.
The voice cast and some of the live-action acting that was then rotoscoped are all serviceable none of the acting is particularly ambitious or demanding per-say. The tone is very light and nostalgic which is somewhat offset by the relatively casual(but brief) depictions of child beating and racism. Overall the feel is nice but not particularly insightful or intriguing.
Like many Netflix movies with higher profile talent behind them the effect is watchable, palatable, but ultimately forgettable. Like a Twinkie.
Currently streaming on Netflix.
Stream It.
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