Sonic The Hedgehog 2 is an action/comedy based on the video game series, a sequel to the 2020 movie. Sonic(Ben Schwartz) is living with his adopted parents sneaking out to fight crime when Dr. Robotnik(Jim Carrey) along with Knuckles(Idris Elba) come to earth to seize the hidden Master Emerald with Sonic is tasked with protecting.
Carrey brings the same Ace Ventura energy but is not utilized as much or as effectively as in the first installment. The voice cast are all decent but Schwartz's wise-cracking is paired down a bit, a result of the script not the performance, either way it makes the character a bit less interesting. The best parts, oddly, are the sections at a destination wedding with the IRL actors, with the best sequence revolving around Natasha Rothwell going full on woman scorned.
Visually a little bland, there is one pretty cool slow-mo CGI action sequence and the wedding sequence mentioned above, but in total for a two hour movie not nearly enough action or fun or comedy. One of the things that made the first movie fun and interesting was how odd it was, how eccentric, here all the weirdness is smoothed out and the result is relatively flat.
Low grade, low impact, generic blockbuster.
Currently in theaters, coming soon to VOD.
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