Monday, July 22, 2024

'Land Of Bad' A Review

Land Of Bad is a war/survival movie about Air Force drone pilot Reaper(Russell Crowe) and the Delta Force team he supports, most directly with JTAC Fruit Loops aka Playboy(Liam Hemsworth), on a rescue mission in the Philippines.

Crowe continues his streak of incredible performances in mid-range movies. He's totally present, creates a fully realized and compelling character, and is able to hit kind of a shocking level of nuance with the split focus of the narrative and the little emotional space the character gets on the page. Out of the ensemble Hemsworth the Liam is the weakest link, he's serviceable but his dead-eyed aww-shucks take doesn't really have much mileage. Milo Ventimiglia as the ops leader Sugar is breathtaking, not that the story itself is anything particularly unique but Ventimiglia, who has shown incredible promise ever since Heroes, has hit his stride. He is absolutely focused, he is absolutely this character, or at least fully expressing this type of character that is just captivating. Like the soldiers under his command we the audience are utterly convinced of his capability, frightened perhaps by the action but totally confident in his leadership. Hemsworth the elder(aka Luke) is much more assured than his brother, much more at ease and believable and therefore interesting. Ricky Whittle isn't as successful but he's still good. The core team in compliment with Crowe and his partner played by Chika Ikogwe(great) make for a surprisingly deep ensemble in a movie that at first blush may seem straight-to-VOD type material.

The film benefits by taking place, for the most part, in two locations. It looks real, the sound mix and score are effective, the action is competent(if occasionally spoiled by goofy POV go-pro style shots). It works. And the dual narrative of the drone operator state side vs. the boots-on-the-ground mission is really effective. Although an argument could be made for solely following Crowe as the Liam part is very much something we've seen before. There's some decent commentary and insight about the current state of military affairs but the movie isn't particularly interested in that element although it is most certainly there. Land Of Bad is mostly concerned with being entertaining and it is, this was dumped in theaters in the winter and its a shame they put basically no marketing money behind it. Its not a great movie but it is a pretty good one.

A modern day military movie that colors outside the lines just enough to be intriguing bolstered by a mostly tremendous cast.

Currently streaming on Netflix.

Rent It.

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