Sunday, July 28, 2024

'Deadpool & Wolverine' A Review

Deadpool & Wolverine is a superhero movie, the third installment in the Deadpool franchise. Deadpool(Ryan Reynolds) attempts to join The Avengers and is rebuffed sending him into a depressive spiral. He's picked up by the TVA and told because Wolverine(Hugh Jackman) is dead(from Logan) his timeline will collapse, he searches the timelines for a replacement and together they attempt to save his friends.

Reynolds brings his patented irreverent humor and sincerity and it still works, Jackman revisiting his iconic role is fun but doesn't pack as much presence as he has in the past particularly in the wake of the definitive turn in Logan. Its nice but a bit odd. The two though have wonderful chemistry and the best parts of the movie are their fights with each other and them just spending time together on screen. The plot is convoluted to say the least and doesn't feel altogether necessary, there's no real need to narratively justify Disney's acquisition of Fox and although it makes for some good jokes the plot mechanics weigh down the enjoyment. The supporting cast is basically non-existent, all other characters are in essence cameos, and there are a lot of them and some of them are really wonderful. But the sheer size of the cast and the sidelining of the characters from the previous two installments does lessen the emotional effectiveness.

The movie looks slick if a bit over CGI'd, the fight sequences are cool, particularly the van one between the titular characters. The soundtrack is one needle drop after another and is great. There's a sense of exuberance and momentum from all the production elements which is really great and sweeps you up in the fun of it all. If there's a downside its with all the plot the movie has to get to and all the new toys it has to play with given the merger the story takes somewhat of a backseat.

High energy fun if lacking some heart.

Currently in theaters.

Rent It.

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