Saturday, August 23, 2014


Tonight concluded the Jangleheart Circus Comedy Festival. I've been there the past three nights and it's been a great time. My favorite aspects were the various concept shows- McGovern's audio/art installation sketch show, Vince and Jordan save the Gallery, Jangleheart Cabaret, and The Talkback. Recently I've found it more enlivening to see friends ideas and performances outside the conventional improv format. I'll be out of town most of next week because of my sister Marta's wedding so it was nice to soak in the spirit of the Upstairs Gallery at the fest.

For my money the best of the fest was the Sand set tonight. The crowd was packed, myself and others sitting on the ground in front of the first row, and people sitting all up and down the stairs. The room felt full and electric. The men of Sand took the stage and delivered in spades. They spun huge emotion and pitiful people into truly heartfelt comedy with a delightful brief foray into stage combat. Best improv show I've seen in a year or more. It's rare after seeing so much and doing so much comedy that I get to experience the same glee I did when I first started out, tonight was one of those rare exceptions.

There was an air of unspoken melancholy and uncertainty hanging over the festival, the impending closing of the Upstairs Gallery and the exodous of some Chicago comedy stalwarts. But for a couple days more we came together, supported each other, and participated in some great and some not-so-great comedy. The physical location may close but the spirit, certainly, will go on.

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