Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Steve's Guide To SAD

Some things to do if winter gets you blue.

1. Exercise. Be active. Walk as much as you can. Bundle up and face the winter.

2. Special Project. Have a project you're working on. An art project, home repair, anything. It'll make you feel like your accomplishing something even if you're stuck inside.

3. Go Out. Don't be cowed by the weather. It's inconvenient and sometimes uncomfortable but force yourself to go out. Go to the movies, to a play, see a concert. Anything just don't spend too much time at home.

4. Hang Out. Pick a random friend you haven't seen in a while and have lunch. You probably have extra time on your hands because there are no summer activities. Use that time to catch up with friends!

5. Hug. Physical contact is good for you.

6. Don't Get Cocky. This winter isn't over yet.

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