Friday, May 16, 2014

Karmic Pendulum

It has been an unfortunate week. Unfortunate in circumstance at least. Monday Nicole's bike was stolen. Wednesday my motorcycle battery died. Thursday I snapped the pedal off my bicycle. It was all a bit much.

Normally that confluence of events would have driven me crazy. I'd have been convinced there was some unseen universal conspiracy to lay me low. The slow gears of spring are just now being greased and I am once again relegated to the CTA for my transportation! Who is behind this? What pious bloated deity has it in for me!?

Things have changed. And a situation that would have baffled me, enraged me, sent me all woe-is-me-ing, I was able to handle with a bit of grace. I didn't get mad, I didn't get anxious, I didn't get depressed. I wasn't overwhelmed. I was resigned and even slightly amused by the rapidity of the crumbling of my vehicles. I didn't react because ultimately it was all out of my control.

And it is all easily rectified. Over the weekend I carved out some time to go to the bike store and swing by the Autozone and it'll actually get done. My normal behavior would be to rage, mope, then procrastinate through most of the summer.

I am grateful for a life simple and manageable enough where something like this is an inconvenience but nothing more. Situations out of my control no longer(for the most part) send me off emotional peaks. With a clear head I'm able to easily navigate a situation which would have had me running to a dark bar room corner bitching the whole way. It's progress.

So I thank whatever spring pixies woken from their hibernation who came out and tinkered with my bikes both human and gasoline powered. It made me realize how far I've come.

1 comment:

  1. It’s not easy to find your inner peace when three unfortunate events happened to you in just a week. Anger or emotional meltdown is an understandable reaction, but we know that these two can’t solve anything. So it’s really better to have a clear head and solve it by doing the rational thing. This is a good routine for solving any problems. Hopefully your bike and motorcycle is fixed by now. Thanks for sharing.

    Sarah Erwin @ Baldwin Subaru
