For the first year of my life I left the state 0 times.
I took 0 vacation days.
I did around 150 shows.
I had 4 court appearances.
I rode my motorcycle everyday for 3 months.
I worked at Groupon for 11 months.
Salute Jive had 10 shows.
The Album had 9 shows.
Rick had 33 shows.
I watched 1 sunrise.
I got my bicycle repaired 3 times.
I watched 5 different BBC television series.
I had roughly 170 days of sobriety.
I watched 50 movies in the theater. Half of which I would watch again.
I made approximately 10 new friends.
I tried 1 cuisine I had never tried before.
I lost my temper 3 times.
I coached 6 rehearsals.
I went to 2 plays.
I went to 1 concert.
I flew in 0 planes.
I attended 0 weddings.
I attended 0 funerals.
I went to 1 graduation.
I fell in love, once.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Steve's Guide To Roommates
1. Cleanliness- Your living space should be as clean as the neatest person would like it to be. It doesn't take much energy if everyone knows what is preferred and pitches in.
2. Bills- One person should handle the bills. The other person or persons should make sure to pay their share within a week following the bills being sent.
3. Shower Time- Remember to coordinate schedules if everyone gets up around the same time.
4. Significant Others- They have free reign of course but within reason. Your significant other is still a guest and your roommate probably wants to see you alone periodically. If you're spending every day and/or evening with your significant other, after a certain point, you should probably move in together.
5. Borrowing- I firmly believe in 'what's mine is yours'. Food, movies, books, condoms what have you. That may not work for everyone but it eliminates the stupidest roommate argument. "Did you eat my leftover ________?" There's no reason to get upset about your left over kookaburra wings.
6. Talk- If you're friends with your roommates don't forget to hang out with them. If you don't like or are indifferent to your roommates make sure to check in with them now and again. You don't want to wake up one day and feel like your living with a stranger.
7. Toilet Paper- If you notice you're low buy some. There's nothing worse than a family member coming over and using the restroom when there's no toilet paper.
2. Bills- One person should handle the bills. The other person or persons should make sure to pay their share within a week following the bills being sent.
3. Shower Time- Remember to coordinate schedules if everyone gets up around the same time.
4. Significant Others- They have free reign of course but within reason. Your significant other is still a guest and your roommate probably wants to see you alone periodically. If you're spending every day and/or evening with your significant other, after a certain point, you should probably move in together.
5. Borrowing- I firmly believe in 'what's mine is yours'. Food, movies, books, condoms what have you. That may not work for everyone but it eliminates the stupidest roommate argument. "Did you eat my leftover ________?" There's no reason to get upset about your left over kookaburra wings.
6. Talk- If you're friends with your roommates don't forget to hang out with them. If you don't like or are indifferent to your roommates make sure to check in with them now and again. You don't want to wake up one day and feel like your living with a stranger.
7. Toilet Paper- If you notice you're low buy some. There's nothing worse than a family member coming over and using the restroom when there's no toilet paper.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
'A Dangerous Method' A Review

There is no plot to speak of, simply these characters living in and around each other. But it doesn't require the structure of a plot to be entertaining or interesting. The best scenes in the film are between Jung and Freud discussing the different methods and application of what is becoming 'modern' psychology. There are also a couple scenes where they analyze each others dreams, which don't add anything but feel authentic giving the characters another dimension.
The sexual relationship between Jung and Sabina could have been the main focus of the movie but its just a subplot. The focus of the movie is: who were these men? how did psychology begin? Two interesting questions which they explore but don't fully answer.
The acting was great, other then Knightly laying it on a bit thick at the beginning, and the story engaging but not overwhelming.
See It.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
The Elusive Brian Damage
How to 'Ace the ACT' with the worlds only test-prep magician- Brian Damage!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Wilting Winter
over the shoulders of a city.
Wheels slowly turn,
tempers quicken,
and sneers pull at cheeks.
Puddles of water freeze and thaw
and crack
------------------------the concrete.
Flowers limp and brown and bow low,
we layer and hunch and hurry,
and prepare for the inevitable snow.
You can't escape the cold.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Ace The ACT
Andel and I taking a standardized test from a Rick show.
Recently Rick has been going really well. I've been having a lot of fun and I'm proud of the work we've been doing. Come see us next Thursday at iO.
Happy Holidays!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo' A Review

I've read the Steig Larrson trilogy as well as watched the original Swedish films. As with any adaptations previous encounters with the story shape how you view the film. The original novel is sweeping and interesting and attacks some pretty dangerous themes. It also address misogyny more directly than most American fiction.
The Swedish film was a pared down version of the novel and the American adaptation is even more so. The most compelling thing about the story is Lisbeth Salander the title character. Damaged, intelligent, independent, and violent. This film lacks a clear picture of Lisbeth and we only get a short glimpse of the gradual friendship developing between Blomquist and Lisbeth.
When I left the theater I overheard many people saying things like "that was weird" or "I don't get it." I don't know if I liked the movie. At this point I know the story so well I don't notice omissions and automatically fill in the gaps. I imagine this American version wouldn't make a lot of sense to the average viewer. I imagine it would be confusing because the theme of violence against women was there but jumbled and rearranged and slightly dimmer than in the novel. Danial Craig was too confident as Blomquist, Rooney Mara too distant as Lisbeth.
In the original Swedish the title of the book is "Men Who Hate Women" which I think makes a much stronger statement and attempts to make a much more emphatic point than the Americanized American version ever attempts.
Did I like this movie? Would you?
I Don't Know.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Graffiti 45
"A tree growing out of the ground is as wonderful today as it ever was. It does not need to adopt new and startling methods." -Robert Henri
"A tree is an incomprehensible mystery." -Jim Woodring
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Street Talk 4
(outside of work)
Guy: Hey! Merry Christmas! Spare a cigarette for the holidays?
Me:(nods, produces cigarette and lighter)
Guy: This neighborhood has changed man. You work here?
Me: Yeah.
Guy: Use to be the old Montgomery Ward Building. And up the street, you know that church?
Me: Yeah.
Guy: Use to be a chop shop. Middle of the the night tow trucks would go out, bring back some cars, and when they came out you wouldn't recognize 'em. I told my kids. That church. Turned 45 last week. I'm old. I feel old, down in my bones.
Me: 45 isn't old.
Guy: Maybe. I grew up around here Cabrini Green. The projects. For Christmas one person would get a toy he'd share it with everyone. There was a sense of community. parents got killed in '68, the riots. Raised by my grandmother. There were some things missing. If I grew up in a country club things might be different.
Me: Maybe, maybe not. You never know.
Guy: The more things change...
Me: ...the more they stay the same. Take it easy.
Guy: Merry Christmas big man!
Guy: Hey! Merry Christmas! Spare a cigarette for the holidays?
Me:(nods, produces cigarette and lighter)
Guy: This neighborhood has changed man. You work here?
Me: Yeah.
Guy: Use to be the old Montgomery Ward Building. And up the street, you know that church?
Me: Yeah.
Guy: Use to be a chop shop. Middle of the the night tow trucks would go out, bring back some cars, and when they came out you wouldn't recognize 'em. I told my kids. That church. Turned 45 last week. I'm old. I feel old, down in my bones.
Me: 45 isn't old.
Guy: Maybe. I grew up around here Cabrini Green. The projects. For Christmas one person would get a toy he'd share it with everyone. There was a sense of community. parents got killed in '68, the riots. Raised by my grandmother. There were some things missing. If I grew up in a country club things might be different.
Me: Maybe, maybe not. You never know.
Guy: The more things change...
Me: ...the more they stay the same. Take it easy.
Guy: Merry Christmas big man!
Monday, December 19, 2011
'My Week With Marilyn' A Review

The main character Colin is totally unlikable. He's a spoiled little rich boy who just has to be in the movie business. Because of his families wealth and the ease in which he inserts himself into the making of the movie(his family has connections) he garners no sympathy.
Michelle Williams portrayal of Marilyn Monroe is vapid, two dimensional, and painful to watch. She delivers all dialogue in pseudo-babyspeak. If the movie was an effort to show Marilyn Monroe as anything other than her stereotype(stupid, sexual) it's an absolute failure. If the movie wanted to show Monroe as a caricature it was successful.
The plot is not much to speak of. Colin meets Marilyn and they develop an unstable friendship. The movie ends with her finishing filming and going back to the US. We don't care about either character, they're selfish and so underdeveloped they don't seem like real people. The supporting characters get so little screen time(not to mention actual depth) they have virtually no reason for being.
The other slight was the casting of Williams as Monroe. The worlds most famous voluptuous pin-up shouldn't be played by someone so slight.
All in all it was a huge disappointment. No substance, no depth, no truth.
Don't See It.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Weird iO Conversations
(During the opening of Damian's last 5B performance)
Brian:(guy I barely know) Hey Steve.
Me: Hey man.
Brian: Why are you here? Do you know someone?
Me: Um...yeah. I'm here for Damian(points). He's on my Playground team.
Brian: The Night Shift. He's really good.
Me: Yeah he's great(back to watching show).
Brian: How long have you and Punam been dating?
Me: Ah...ah...around 6 months.
Brian: I thought you guys were. I didn't know for sure until I saw you guys kiss the other night.
Me: ...
Brian: We were in 5B's together. She's a real catch.
Me: Yeah. She's great.
Brian: Seriously, she's a catch. You did it.
Me: ...woof...
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Middle School Dance
A group scene from the last Rick show. This is one of my favorite group scenes I've ever done. I don't know if the clip does it justice but watching it and then participating it was like...pieces of a puzzle fitting together.
First Pants and Ryan set up the scene.
John and Katie dance on the side creating an enviorment.
Pants mentions his son b-ball dancing which I start doing off stage.
Kate enters and dirty dances alone.
It was a simple premise built patiently one step at a time.
Rick has our one year anniversary show tomorrow at iO. It's been a good year.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Graffiti 44
Number Two: You shouldn't have interfered, Number Six. You'll pay for this.
Number Six: No. You will.
Number Two: Du musst amboss oder Hammer sein.
Number Six: You must be anvil or hammer.
Number Two: I see you know your Goethe.
Number Six: And you see me as the anvil?
Number Two: Precisely. I am going to hammer you.
Number Six: I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered! My life is my own.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Broken Art
Punam: Is that the top of a door?
Me: I think its a window. You ever hear the expression "you make a better door than a window"?
Punam: You know I'm bad with sayings and idioms.
Me: It's what you say to someone when you want them to get out of your way.
Punam: Oh.
Me: I always hated it.
Looking at it, I imagined it was broken because of a relationship fight...
Jared: Hey sweetie we need to leave now if we're gonna catch 'Melancholia'.
Karen: (painting window pane) Hold on just one second, I'm almost done.
Jared: Come on, Kay. You know I don't like missing the previews and we're pushing it...
Karen: Just a sec(continues painting).
Jared: ...(watching)
Karen: (puts brush down, picks up clean brush, dips in white paint)
Jared: A new brush Karen! A new brush! Are you SERIOUS!?!?!
Karen: (painting) I'm in a groove Jared, just give me two...fucking...seconds. You don't understand the creative process.
Jared: I don't understand the creative process? Maybe not but I sure as hell appreciate it! We have painted windows all over our fucking living room! (gestures) There's no where to sit!
Karen: Why don't you go to the movie by yourself.
Jared: I don't want to Karen. I want to spend time with you.
Karen: I'm sorry I can't quit now.
Jared: Ok fine. (picks up a painted window, walks over to apartment window, opens it) Fly. (throws painted window out of apartment window). I'm going(crash) to the movies.
Monday, December 12, 2011
'Beginners' A Review

The relationship of Oliver and Anna develops subtly and truthfully, there are silent moments that say and imply a lot that most films would cram with dialogue couples don't actually have. Hal and Oliver's relationship is also light and engaging, serious but never depressing or sad.
The highlight of the film was the relationship between Oliver and his father's dog Arthur. Quirky and fun. It weaves a playfulness throughout the film.
See It.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Danse Macabre
I've heard this song a lot of different places recently. Sometimes I think it's playing just for me, behind things, hidden, warning me of things to come . Other times I think it's disembodied encouragement from the ether, a quiet message. Press on, move forward, be ready.
It makes me think of risk and shadows and joy and despair and inevitability. And adventure.
I'd like to Dance with Death.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Salute Jive Is Back
Julia and I have another show! You can see us December 28th at 10pm at the Skybox. We also got a run in the Skybox starting February 16th at 1030pm. From our last iO show.
Pete the dog and Marissa have a 'relationship talk'.
Pete the dog and Marissa have a 'relationship talk'.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
'The Descendants' A Review

The film is called 'The Descendants' because Clooney is one of many cousins who collectively own a large underdeveloped property in Hawaii. Originally one of their family had married a local princess and the land has been in their family for years. This subplot is underdeveloped and doesn't make much sense in conjunction with what the film is presumably about, dealing with the death of a loved one(who 'betrayed' the family).
The movie is unclear. It doesn't seem to be about anything because it's trying to be about too much. It's about the death of a family member. It's about infidelity. It's about the gentrification of Hawaii. It's about white socio-economic privilege in the wake of colonialism.The movie is well acted but there are so many balls in the air it doesn't matter.
More confusing than satisfying.
Rent It.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Steve and Joey's Movie Corner 2

Joey: Well, it's perfect. I mean, find me a better Christmas movie. Find me a better holiday movie!
Me: I can't. Arguably Tim Allen's best work. It has it all: magic, whimsy, and family. Although I don't know if it'd be great to be Santa. I think his life would kinda suck.
Joey: And it shows that! Also, there are shades of every other holiday movie ever, in this ONE movie.
Me: I don't think it does, it shows that it would be weird to transition into being Santa.
Joey: He's grumpy at the beginning (Scrooge, The Grinch). Yeah! That's what I'm saying! Like, oh, it sucks to have gained all this weight. This sucks. Ya know? Also, he's won over by it (Miracle on 34th st.). And Sally Fields is looking GREAT.
Me: I prefer Sally Fields in Mrs. Doubtfire but both movies she plays kind of a neurotic bitch. Which I think is unfair.
Joey: I mean, seriously, killin' what I can only assume was a role written for Diane K (the urbanite intellectual).
Me: He's fun loving and she's like serious bitchy ex-wife
Joey: in both movies! But, isn't that really what all men really want?
Me: What bitchy ex-wives or Sally Fields?
Joey: We want to be the fun ones! BOTH!
Me: But its like he's a man-child. So the only thing for him is to be Santa.
Joey: (Miami's leading Oakland, 13-0) No, he kills Santa, he's super successful.
Me: Movie Corner not Sports Corner. But maybe it's a comment on single parent households.
Joey: Addison and Sheffield! Give us Gift Cards!
Me: Cause he has to leave his kid.
Joey: Who?
Me: Tim Allen
Joey: But, it's that age old question, do you want your dad to be a regular dad? Or do you want your dad to be a star? What's better?
Me: Regular Dad hands down.
Joey: I see both (off)sides.
Me: I don't want my dad to be a movie star or Santa. Stop it.
Joey: #sportscorner (I want free stuff from that bar on Sheffield and Addison) Yeah, you're right! I LOVE my Dad! But, if my Dad, then became Santa, I kind of win, right?
Me: I just think that we're ignoring that this dad is literally abandoning his kid because we're so wrapped up in the elves flying in to save him in jail(love that part). You don't win. Didn't you see The Santa Clause 2?
Joey: Kind of though. I do. I win. I saw all 3!
Me: (spoiler alert) His kids on the naughty list.
Joey: Yeah, but that's the kids fault.
Me: No it's not. I would say that it's a societal problem of what's 'right' and 'wrong'.
Joey: Is Sally Fields in 2?
Me: The kid is doing pro-Christmas graffiti and gets caught. I don't think so.
Joey: Who? The main kid? Tim Allen's kid? Is doing graffiti?
Me: Yeah dude.
Joey: But, it's like pro-cool stuff though, right? Like Christmas? So, then, not really?
Me: That's what I mean, why is graffiti inherently bad? It's not.
Joey: It's like, you can't arrest someone who's robbing a rich person, to give to the poor.
Me: it's this pre-set standard of what puts you on the naughty list, it's bullshit.
Joey: Graffiti? That IS bullshit.
Me: Yeah he like repels into the gym.
Joey: The gym?
Me: And does like a Christmas tree or something.
Joey: Working out?
Me: The school gym dude.
Joey: What's that? A workout move? oh, oh.
Me: God damn it.
Joey: How old is the kid in this one?
Me: High school. The love interest is the principal, she was in 'Lost'.
Joey: I've got an idea for a 4th movie.
Me: What is it?
Joey: He's going to college, and Tim Allen's like, I could go back; I want to learn more, or whatever. And then it's essentially "Back to School".
Me: Like The Santa Clause: Higher Learning.
Joey: Yeah! Who was in Lost?
Me: His love interest in 2. Cause the premise of 2 is that he has to find Mrs. Clause.
Joey: Who was she?
Me: The blond lady who was an other but then hooks up with Jack.
Joey: Did Tim Allen write the 2nd and 3rd ones?
Me: He didn't write any of them. Whats your favorite part of the first one?
Joey: When he's trying to shave, but his beard keeps growing back so fast haahahahahahaaha. You?
Me: My favorite is the part where he comes down the chimney and it's a radiator but it turns into a fireplace.
Joey: hahahahaha that's pretty good, too. What about that part where he's like gaining all that weight and his clothes don't fit, and he's got that big presentation?
Me: Final thoughts Joseph?
Joey: I LOVED it! And Merry Christmas! And Happy Holidays!
Me: If you ever become Santa or another magical figure make sure you have weekly visitation rights for the kids you leave behind. The world isn't all cookies and cocoa. Happy Holidays.
Joey: All the movies in the world!
Me: We've seen 'em!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
When you laugh during a performance as your self not as the character it's called 'breaking'. I broke super hard in the last iO Salute Jive show.
I accidentally said George Hamilton(the actor) when I meant to say Alexander Hamilton(the guy on the $10 bill). There are two types of breaking- good and bad.
Good Breaking- When your scene partner surprises you so much that you can't help but laugh. The joy of the moment overcomes you so much you have to laugh. You make a mistake so blatant that you laugh at yourself.
Bad Breaking- When you get embarrassed or confused so you laugh. You laugh at yourself. You constantly laugh at your scene partner. You break so much that(or at a time when) it derails the scene or show.
There are a couple different schools of thought when it comes to breaking. Some coaches totally forbid it and harp on it when giving notes. Others never mention it no matter how distracting it is. For the most part I don't have a problem with it, especially when it's a genuine moment. I always get a real kick when my friends perform and they break.
For the most part, they're all good breaks.
I accidentally said George Hamilton(the actor) when I meant to say Alexander Hamilton(the guy on the $10 bill). There are two types of breaking- good and bad.
Good Breaking- When your scene partner surprises you so much that you can't help but laugh. The joy of the moment overcomes you so much you have to laugh. You make a mistake so blatant that you laugh at yourself.
Bad Breaking- When you get embarrassed or confused so you laugh. You laugh at yourself. You constantly laugh at your scene partner. You break so much that(or at a time when) it derails the scene or show.
There are a couple different schools of thought when it comes to breaking. Some coaches totally forbid it and harp on it when giving notes. Others never mention it no matter how distracting it is. For the most part I don't have a problem with it, especially when it's a genuine moment. I always get a real kick when my friends perform and they break.
For the most part, they're all good breaks.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Graffiti 43
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Jamison Talks Yelp
Recently I was thinking how much I hated Yelp, how pointless it is. Without divulging any of my feelings I asked Jamison for a 30 second rant about Yelp. Like a good friend he obliged. I wouldn't call it a rant, more like a thoughtful criticism.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
'Hugo' A Review

The acting is wooden, especially Ben Kingsly's as 'surly' shop owner. All the characters go through no change, no emotional arc, and it's not apparent that they are even real people. Certainly there are plot devises that 'change' the characters, but by the acting you would be unable to tell.
The film is frustratingly long and gives little to no context who the main character is or what his motivations are. We see, in a flashback, Jude Law as Hugo's dad for maybe two minutes. In this flashback Hugo and his dad are repairing a mechanical toy man who writes. The first part of the movie is all about repairing this toy man because Hugo believes whatever it writes will be some kind of message or closure from his father. Once repaired the story abandons Hugo and his dad and shifts to Ben Kingsly's character. It's nonsensical poor-storytelling.
There is also some terrible comedic relief by Sacha Baron Cohen as the station security that seems as if it's in the wrong movie.
The film is unclear, unstructured, and unsatisfying.
Don't See It.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Steve's Guide To Family
For my sister Marta
1. Stay Connected- Keep in touch with your family. You don't have to be in contact all the time: not once a day, not once a week, but stay in contact. Let your loved ones know how you're doing and what you're up to. Email, text, call. Don't let there be a gap.
2. Talk And Listen- Talk to your family. Tell them what's going on in your life: how your job is, what you're into, and if you're in love. Share your pain with them too, they're the only people in the world you can unload on and not feel bad about it. Tell them as much as you can and listen even more. Be interested and engaged in your family members lives. Listen to the little stupid things that no one else will listen to because sometimes those small things are big things.
3. Argue- You only have to worry about a certain amount of politeness when it comes to your family. If they are doing something you don't agree with or don't like, tell them. Feel free to call bullshit on them or fight back if they are making you feel mad, sad, or embarrassed. Keep in mind they are your family and you love them. Don't be mean, be constructive. Don't be biting, be logical. But make your point. Stand up.
3a. Check Yourself- Your family are people too. You know them the best so you know how to cut deep if you want to. Don't. Don't hit below the belt. Make your point but don't hit the nerve even though you know exactly where it is.
4. Eat Together- Share meals together. You don't have to talk. But break bread together. You're a family. A unit. It's something you don't share with anyone else. Sometimes they're the only ones you can count on. Sometimes it's you against the world.
5. Sit Together- You don't need a reason or an activity to be together. Watch a movie or TV and simply sit together. Read or check your email or write. Simply sit in the same room. Share the space. Sometimes doing that brings you closer than chatting. Exist together.
"There's nothing like family you know." -Al Pacino Scent Of A Woman
1. Stay Connected- Keep in touch with your family. You don't have to be in contact all the time: not once a day, not once a week, but stay in contact. Let your loved ones know how you're doing and what you're up to. Email, text, call. Don't let there be a gap.
2. Talk And Listen- Talk to your family. Tell them what's going on in your life: how your job is, what you're into, and if you're in love. Share your pain with them too, they're the only people in the world you can unload on and not feel bad about it. Tell them as much as you can and listen even more. Be interested and engaged in your family members lives. Listen to the little stupid things that no one else will listen to because sometimes those small things are big things.
3. Argue- You only have to worry about a certain amount of politeness when it comes to your family. If they are doing something you don't agree with or don't like, tell them. Feel free to call bullshit on them or fight back if they are making you feel mad, sad, or embarrassed. Keep in mind they are your family and you love them. Don't be mean, be constructive. Don't be biting, be logical. But make your point. Stand up.
3a. Check Yourself- Your family are people too. You know them the best so you know how to cut deep if you want to. Don't. Don't hit below the belt. Make your point but don't hit the nerve even though you know exactly where it is.
4. Eat Together- Share meals together. You don't have to talk. But break bread together. You're a family. A unit. It's something you don't share with anyone else. Sometimes they're the only ones you can count on. Sometimes it's you against the world.
5. Sit Together- You don't need a reason or an activity to be together. Watch a movie or TV and simply sit together. Read or check your email or write. Simply sit in the same room. Share the space. Sometimes doing that brings you closer than chatting. Exist together.
"There's nothing like family you know." -Al Pacino Scent Of A Woman
Saturday, November 26, 2011
A poem about music for the Beanpole
walking alone
through the bleak unknown
with strings that shriek
and horns that moan
listen careful
to life's faint tone
when you feel meek
which we all are prone
take strength
you are always home
when music swells
which is your own
walking alone
through the bleak unknown
with strings that shriek
and horns that moan
listen careful
to life's faint tone
when you feel meek
which we all are prone
take strength
you are always home
when music swells
which is your own
Friday, November 25, 2011
'The Skin I Live In' A Review

The characters have no motivation. The perverse sexuality has no purpose. The plot makes no sense.
Avoid At All Cost.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Graffiti 41
"Hope" is the thing with feathers—
That perches in the soul—
And sings the tune without the words—
And never stops—at all—
And sweetest—in the Gale—is heard—
And sore must be the storm—
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm—
I've heard it in the chillest land—
And on the strangest Sea—
Yet, never, in Extremity,
It asked a crumb—of Me.
-Emily Dickinson
"Man needs, for his happiness, not only the enjoyment of this or that, but hope and enterprise and change." -Bertrand Russell
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
The Devins: Revenge...?
Salute Jive has our last iO show tonight, 10pm. Come check us out!
Years later, the Devins get revenge. Or do they?
Years later, the Devins get revenge. Or do they?
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
'Immortals' A Review

For an action movie, there was very little action. For a movie based in Greek mythology, there was very little magic or fantasy. For a movie that presumably had a large budget, it's unclear where the money went. Maybe to get Stephen Dorff.
Don't See It.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
'Into The Abyss' A Review

In 2001 three people were murdered for a car. Two 19 year old boys were found guilty and one is awaiting execution. Herzog briefly details the crime but is not concerned with the guilt of the men or in what exactly happened. He's concerned with how people cope with life and death.
The film is intricate, beautiful, heartrending, and briefly hopeful. The characters are fascinating and Herzog leaves us to draw our own conclusions. The most powerful character in the film is a former death row guard who participated in over 125 executions. He participated in the first execution of a female in the early 90's. After the execution he was haunted by her and all the other inmates he had executed and quit shortly after. His whole interview is moving but at the end of it he says something that sums up the whole movie. He says his friends have quoted a phrase to him 'live the dash' which he didn't understand. On your tombstone, he explains, you have your birth date and your death date with a dash in between. He decided he would live his life, as should we all.
Live The Dash.
Don't Miss It.
Don't Miss It.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Graffiti 40
"My belief about acting is: one foot on a banana peel and the other one in the grave." -Mark Ruffalo
Cavendish bananas, which make up 99 percent of the bananas on the market today, are now facing extinction from a fungus called Tropical Race Four.
Food for thought.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
Reflections On The IOP
People shared all kinds of things which at times I wasn't prepared to hear. Or which made my issues so shallow by comparison it made it much easier to deal with. Failed marriages, loved ones with cancer, relapses, dead-end jobs, despair. When I first went in I was the youngest person by ten years, half way through it was a group of young people, by my last night I was the youngest by a wide margin again. I found I identified with and got more out of the people around my age. People with two decades or more of addiction have a much different perspective, are in a much different place, which towards the end of my tenure I found virtually unrelatable. And if I'm being honest, irritating.
The problem I had was some of my fellow patients talking on and on without really saying anything, going into such minute detail about the minutia of their day, or spouting out unsolicited advise about the right way to do this or that. Most of the time those were the older patients which I guess I can excuse because they were older but more importantly their addiction was older.
For the most part everyone was great and from time to time someone would say something that totally resonated with me and made me feel like 'that's me, they're saying exactly what I'm feeling, they're saying exactly what I need to hear.'
I feel much better now: clear, well rested, stable. And I feel much better equipped to move on.
I'm grateful for the sun, the moon, and the cool cool night breeze.
Day 32
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
'Martha Marcy May Marlene' A Review

Other than the subject matter I had two other issues with the film. I didn't believe that Martha would be brainwashed and indoctrinated into the cult as deeply as she was within two years. I didn't believe she would be so closed off about it while living with her sister. She doesn't mention or acknowledge her time there in anyway. She acts very strangely and it takes a nervous breakdown for her sister to get her psychiatric help. Her sister would have known way earlier that something was wrong psychology with her sister. There's a scene where Martha climbs into bed with her sister while she's having sex with her husband. Duh.
The ending, much like the entire film, says nothing. Leaves us with nothing. No explanation. No reason. No hope.
Don't See It.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Sci-Fi / Fantasy Books

Shadow/Claw, Sword/Citadel, Latro In The Mist, Soldier of Sidon, The Knight, The Wizard, Pirate Freedom, The Sorcerer's House -Gene Wolfe
Lord Foul's Bane, The Illearth Stone, The Power That Perserves -Stephen R. Donaldson
Dune -Frank Herbert
A Song Of Ice And Fire -George R.R. Martin.
American Gods, Anansi Boys, Neverwhere, Stardust, The Graveyard Book -Neil Gaiman
The Name Of The Wind, The Wise Man's Fear -Patrick Ruthfuss
The Stand, The Dark Tower Series -Stephen King
Snow Crash -Neal Stephenson
The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress -Robert A. Heinlein
The Space Trilogy, The Chronicles of Narnia -C.S. Lewis
The Blade Itself, Before They Are Hanged, Last Argument For Kings -Joe Abercrombie
The Earthsea Series -Ursala K. LeGuin
Harry Potter Series -J.K. Rowling
Gun, With Occasional Music -Jonathan Letham
World War Z -Max Brooks
Jonathan Strange And Mr. Norrell -Susanna Clarke
The Riftwar Saga -Raymond E. Feist
The Shannara Series, Word & Void Series -Terry Brooks
Time Travelers Wife -Audrey Niffenegger
A Clockwork Orange -Anthony Burgess
A Brave New World -Aldous Huxley
The Xanth Series, The Incarnations Of Immortality Series, Apprentice Adept Series, Killobyte -Piers Anthony
A Canticle For Lebowitz -Walter M. Miller
The Repairman Jack Series -F. Paul Wilson
The Change Series -S.M. Stirling
The Hunger Games Trilogy- Suzanne Collins
Battle Royale -Koushun Takami
The Prestige -Christopher Priest
Blue Light -Walter Mosley
The Other End Of Time -Frank Pohl
The Magician, The Magician King -Lev Grossman
His Dark Materials -Philip Pullman
A Wrinkle In Time -Madeline L'Engle
Frankenstein -Mary Shelley
The Death Gate Cycle -Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
Dragonriders of Pern Series -Anne McCaffrey
This is a work-in-progress comprehensive list, I'll be updating it periodically.
The Hunger Games Trilogy- Suzanne Collins
Battle Royale -Koushun Takami
The Prestige -Christopher Priest
Blue Light -Walter Mosley
The Other End Of Time -Frank Pohl
The Magician, The Magician King -Lev Grossman
His Dark Materials -Philip Pullman
A Wrinkle In Time -Madeline L'Engle
Frankenstein -Mary Shelley
The Death Gate Cycle -Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
Dragonriders of Pern Series -Anne McCaffrey
This is a work-in-progress comprehensive list, I'll be updating it periodically.
Friday, November 4, 2011
'In Time' A Review

Like a lot of movies 'In Time' doesn't really know what to do with it's great idea. The world's economy is now run on time, if you run out of time you die. The rich can live forever, while the poor live day to day. A big problem is that there is no explanation as to why this happened or what time period were talking about, if it is even in fact earth. A rich guy gives Timberlake 100 years so he goes into the rich peoples timezone. He's quickly caught and the time is taken away which inspires him to go on a crime time spree.
I would have liked to see what he would actually have done with the time, integrating himself in to the rich peoples society. Instead the movie degenerates into a blatant rip off of a combination of 'Bonnie and Clyde', 'Robin Hood', and 'Badlands'. All originality is lost and a great supporting cast can't save Timberlake and Seyfried's wide-eyed shallowness and unwatchability.
Don't See It.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Dream Art

I've been dreaming a lot more recently. It's good to dream.
Day 24
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Graffiti 39
Monday, October 31, 2011
Street Talk 3
Outside during a smoke break from work.
Guy #1: I told you it'd be an epic weekend.
Guy #2: I thought we'd at least take Sunday off.
Guy #1: Naw man. Ragin'.
Guy #2: You see that sexy Freddy Kruger?
Guy #1: Oh yeah bro, those rips in her shirt were strategic.
Guy #2: Yeah, dude. She can haunt my dreams anytime, dude.
(they both chuckle, I get an image in my head of two dogs with tongues lolling out of their mouths)
Guy #1: Get ready for tonight man.
Guy #2: We're gonna take it to the limit.
Guy #1: For sure. Trick or treat bro.
Guy #1: I told you it'd be an epic weekend.
Guy #2: I thought we'd at least take Sunday off.
Guy #1: Naw man. Ragin'.
Guy #2: You see that sexy Freddy Kruger?
Guy #1: Oh yeah bro, those rips in her shirt were strategic.
Guy #2: Yeah, dude. She can haunt my dreams anytime, dude.
(they both chuckle, I get an image in my head of two dogs with tongues lolling out of their mouths)
Guy #1: Get ready for tonight man.
Guy #2: We're gonna take it to the limit.
Guy #1: For sure. Trick or treat bro.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Steve's Guide To A Good Show
1. Punctuality- Get to your show on time. If your group or cast meets 30 minutes or an hour before the show starts, that is the time you should get there. Being late is unprofessional. There is a reason you are asked to get to a show at a certain time. You need that time to get ready for the show with your cast/teammates. If you are running late, you are putting undue stress on your cast/teammates. If you are chronically late you are showing disrespect for your cast/teammates and the work you are doing.
2. Pre-Show Ritual- You have to warm-up in some way. This can be a standard warm-up game, doing bits with each other, or simply checking in about how you are doing. Some people have specific things they do before each show, I often have a Red Bull and right before I go on I jump up an down. You should also develop a specific way you come on stage (like a particular song), a specific way you introduce your show, and a specific way you ask for a suggestion. Start the show before the show. The show starts the instant the audience can see you.
3. Your Idea- At some point give yourself permission to do what you want to do. Make a move and have it be exactly what you want it to be. If it's a sketch show, there will probably be at least one sketch where you are the focus, embrace it and drive it.
4. Someone Elses Idea- At some point laser in on someone else's idea. Lift it up, make it the most important thing you can, set someone up to look smart and funny. Feed them. This will make them look good as well as you look good. It'll also make you feel good. People love watching teamwork and joy on stage.
5. Pace- Have a sense of how the show is going, how long the scenes are, and where they are in relation to the beginning and the end of the show. Vary it up. Imagine a show like a song, sometimes you need to speed it up, slow it down, solo, or take it to the bridge. An audience loves variety, give them as much as you can.
6. Clever/Fun- Be clever. People love watching witty people banter about funny subjects. Also have fun and be stupid. Sometimes after an intense relationship or political scene, a fart scene really hits the spot.
7. Sing- In an improv show, think about doing a song either in a scene or as a group. Songs are fun and audiences give you a lot of leeway if they know you're improvising. They also go nuts for it. It's like a parlor trick, "Hey look! They're singing!" In a sketch show, whatever songs you may have, practice them and sing them well. If you can't sing, don't know how to sing, or don't have a good singing voice: don't sing. A scripted song can look terrible if the performers are uncertain either about the material or their abilities.
8. Physical- Get physical. Play animals or objects or the weather. Get on chairs, play inanimate objects, run in place. Varying up the stage picture and how you use your body, this will excite and engage the audience. Don't rely on this, we're not clowns or mimes. But be aware of what you're doing, change it up and then change it again.
2. Pre-Show Ritual- You have to warm-up in some way. This can be a standard warm-up game, doing bits with each other, or simply checking in about how you are doing. Some people have specific things they do before each show, I often have a Red Bull and right before I go on I jump up an down. You should also develop a specific way you come on stage (like a particular song), a specific way you introduce your show, and a specific way you ask for a suggestion. Start the show before the show. The show starts the instant the audience can see you.
3. Your Idea- At some point give yourself permission to do what you want to do. Make a move and have it be exactly what you want it to be. If it's a sketch show, there will probably be at least one sketch where you are the focus, embrace it and drive it.
4. Someone Elses Idea- At some point laser in on someone else's idea. Lift it up, make it the most important thing you can, set someone up to look smart and funny. Feed them. This will make them look good as well as you look good. It'll also make you feel good. People love watching teamwork and joy on stage.
5. Pace- Have a sense of how the show is going, how long the scenes are, and where they are in relation to the beginning and the end of the show. Vary it up. Imagine a show like a song, sometimes you need to speed it up, slow it down, solo, or take it to the bridge. An audience loves variety, give them as much as you can.
6. Clever/Fun- Be clever. People love watching witty people banter about funny subjects. Also have fun and be stupid. Sometimes after an intense relationship or political scene, a fart scene really hits the spot.
7. Sing- In an improv show, think about doing a song either in a scene or as a group. Songs are fun and audiences give you a lot of leeway if they know you're improvising. They also go nuts for it. It's like a parlor trick, "Hey look! They're singing!" In a sketch show, whatever songs you may have, practice them and sing them well. If you can't sing, don't know how to sing, or don't have a good singing voice: don't sing. A scripted song can look terrible if the performers are uncertain either about the material or their abilities.
8. Physical- Get physical. Play animals or objects or the weather. Get on chairs, play inanimate objects, run in place. Varying up the stage picture and how you use your body, this will excite and engage the audience. Don't rely on this, we're not clowns or mimes. But be aware of what you're doing, change it up and then change it again.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
'The Three Musketeers' A Review

The movie was so unoriginal I recognized specific lines of dialogue from the Disney Three Musketeers with Chris O'Donnell. It also seemed to have taken inspiration and concepts from the Sherlock Holmes reboot.
The acting was flat, the characters shallow, and the 'advanced' technology aspect was laughable. I've never been a fan of Orlando Bloom but he really outdid himself with an exceptionally awful performance as the Duke of Buckingham. At one point he plays with a butterfly knife in order to intimidate a prisoner. His acting and the fact that he's using a butterfly knife in the wrong century make the whole thing laughable.
The adaptation/reboot was poorly concieved, poorly written, and poorly executed.
Don't See It.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Panang Curry: Siam Country
Well, I'm on quite a losing streak. Went to Siam Country and had another sub-par Panang. The curry itself was very thin yet chunky as if it hadn't been cooked long enough. The dish as a whole tasted like nothing. No peanut flavor, no spice, no nothing. Some of the chicken was rubbery and undercooked. The red peppers were limp and there was a weird sharp leafy herb in there that seemed out of place. All in all a huge let down. Although I will say the owner/waiter was amazingly friendly and pleasant. Would I go again?
No way, no how.
No way, no how.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Graffiti 38
-----"It is fortunate
------to be favored
with praise and popularity.
------It is dire luck
------to be dependent
on the feelings of your fellow man."
-Viking Saying
Monday, October 24, 2011
Archive Art

Whenever we'd spend a night in together Bob and I would always goad Beanpole into doing some kind of art project. He got some kind of paint spray gun thing free and painted a dead head on our door but then it was painted over by our landlords so he did this one in sharpie. Needless to say we didn't get our security deposits back that year.
One night I had Beanpole draw a snake curling down my arm in sharpie. From my neck to my finger tip. I was flirting with the idea of getting a tattoo for a long time so I had him do stuff like that often. I had a 9-9 rehearsal the next day and was unable to wash any of it off. My director just looked at me and said "Fun night?"
It always was. Miss you guys.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Julia makes the case to Steve for naming their child Melissa, after the influencial Melissa Rivers.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
A scene from last night's Salute Jive show. Julia does stand-up and shares something a little personal...
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Panang Curry: Satay
Punam:(dramatic frown) This is the worst Panang I've ever had.
It wasn't the worst I've had but certainly up there. Maybe I shouldn't be too hard on them because it's not exclusively Thai but still...For the second week in a row the highlight of the meal was the Thai iced coffee. Time to break out of this streak and find some good Panang. Would I go again?
Monday, October 17, 2011
'Drive' A Review

The movie takes a turn about forty minutes in with pointless violence, unrealistic character motivations, and plot lines that make no sense and others which are abandoned. It feels like the studio took over about half way through the movie with no consideration to telling an interesting story or making a cohesive narrative.
The score of the film as well as the titles have a distinctive 80's feel which doesn't mesh well with any part of the film. The acting is OK, certainly not bad, but the film doesn't really make sense. It's not clear what the film is suppose to be or how we're suppose to feel about any of the characters.
Rent It.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
A Song of Ice and Fire

'A Dance With Dragons' came out this past July and I didn't really hear much about it after the initial release date. I just finished it and I realized why. No real action takes place. Don't get me wrong it's well written, interesting, and a page turner but it never gets anywhere. Every storyline is just a work in progress with no resolution and no end in site. At this point Geroge has written so many chapters from the perspective of so many characters we only get to hear from any given character two or three times in a thousand page book.
I enjoy the story, I can't wait to see how it ends but this most recent book left me wanting in every way. We got hints and glimpses of possible revelations to come but after a thousand pages I want and deserve more. Also there was a six year gap between the 4th and 5th book in the series so who knows when the next one will come out.
Talk about literary blue balls.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
'50/50' A Review

A big part of the film is his frequent chemo treatments and his subsequent visits to his therapist Katie(Anna Kendrick). The most touching truthful parts of the film Adam's scenes with his fellow patients. The scenes are brief but you get a palpable genuineness from them, a playfulness.
The friendship between Adam and Kyle is great. It brings a lightness to the serious situation without making light of it. Just because you have cancer doesn't make you lose your sense of humor. Some people don't know exactly what to say to someone in that situation and the movie addresses that. There are two big black spots on the film for me. First is the doctor who gives Adam the news. He's so obtuse and distant he almost doesn't tell Adam he has cancer. A doctor with the worst bedside manner of all time would have been clearer and more compassionate. The second is Adam's girlfriend Rachel(Bryce Dallas Howard). She was played like a mustache twirling villain when they could have made her a real person and added a dimension to the film.
The movie was funny and (for the most part) felt true.
See It.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Graffiti 37
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
'Real Steel' A Review

The movie opens with Charlie(Jackman) at a rodeo pitting his robot against a two ton bull. How the bull is actually suppose to have a chance, I don't understand. Charlie makes a bad bet and get's distracted by a pretty girl at a crucial moment and the bull destroys his robot. He welches on the bet and as he's sneaking off he's approached by two men. They tell him his former girlfriend is dead and he needs to go to a custody hearing for his son.
He takes custody of the kid, Max, and thus begins their reconciliation. They teach each other things and grow. Max finds Atom a sparing robot that they teach to box and brings them together as well as success and confidence. There is a climatic 'Rocky' type fight at the end with the undisputed robot champion.
It's cheesy and you can see every twist in the plot coming a mile away. But its fun and the chemistry between Jackman and Max is playful and sweet if not totally convincing. There are some major holes in the plot as far as how these robots work and what, if any, artificial intelligence they have. But who cares. It's a decent movie about a father reconnecting with his son...and robots fighting.
Rent It.

It's cheesy and you can see every twist in the plot coming a mile away. But its fun and the chemistry between Jackman and Max is playful and sweet if not totally convincing. There are some major holes in the plot as far as how these robots work and what, if any, artificial intelligence they have. But who cares. It's a decent movie about a father reconnecting with his son...and robots fighting.
Rent It.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Panang Curry: Azha
Evidently I took a movie instead of actually taking a picture. The good thing is you can hear the odd classical music playing. It wouldn't be so odd if they didn't have the Bourne Ultimatum playing with subtitles in the restaurant as well.
Azha is in the running for the worst Panang I've had. The rice was overcooked and reminded me of the rice they served in my grade school cafeteria. The curry was thine with virtually no flavor whatsoever no spice and no peanut flavor. It did have green, red, and orange peppers but those in of them selves can't anchor the curry. The waiter was very nice but the atmosphere and the food left something to be desired. My Thai iced coffee was the highlight of the meal. Would I go again?
Monday, October 10, 2011
Hand Of Fate
I do not believe in God, I believe in Fate. I believe we all have a purpose, a great arching purpose. And on the way to the big purpose you have many small purposes along the way. Some thing, some greater design or plan, puts you in certain situations because you're meant to be there. You're meant to make a difference, to help, to stand up and act.
I went to college at Illinois State University. All the dorms there have Subway's on the first floor. I OD'ed on Subway, always a foot long chicken teriyaki on wheat with cheese, olives, and sweet onion sauce. I was in the same dorm as a close friend of mine from high school, Drew, but didn't room with him. It was Sunday evening May first, May Day, my best friend and roommate was working at the local Bennigans so I had the room to myself. I was ignoring my calculus homework in favor of leveling up my characters in Final Fantasy 10. I got hungry around 8. I went down to get a sandwich and when the elevator doors opened there was Drew, dirty and crying.
Me: (concerned) Drew! What's up man? You OK?
Drew: (bawling, drunk) Fuck, man. I'm fucked up man.
Me: Drew, what's going on man, what happened.
Drew: LAX house(pronounced Lacrosse)...bands all day...this fucking hill man...slipped in the mud...shit man I think my ankle is broken...
Me: (very concerned) You broke your ankle?
Drew: Yeah. I heard a pop and then awwww...
Me: You walked from there?
Drew: Yeah.
Me: Jesus man. (all business) Stay right here, don't move.
(goes to subway, fills up a Subway to go bag with ice, returns)
Me: Alright, lets get you up to your room.
Drew: (slings arm around shoulder and hobbles)
Me: Here's what were gonna do. Were gonna go up to your room, you're going to lie down and ice your ankle. You have your car keys?
Drew: ...yeah...
Me: Give them to me. (he does) Good. Where's your car?
Me: Come on man.
Drew: ...Hester...Hester and School.
Me: Good. After we get you situated I'm going to go get your car, pull it out front and then comeback here and get you. I can probably be there and back in 15 minutes. Can you handle that or do you need an ambulance.
Drew: (tears leaking out) Naw man. Come get me.
Me: Alright. Then we're gonna go to the ER and get you fixed up. I'm here man. I know it hurts but I'm here and this will be OK.
Drew: (starting to cry)...My dad is gonna be so mad...
Me: (sharply) Fuck that. You're gonna be OK and that's the important thing. Look at me. Look at me(he does). It hurts, you're fucked up, I know. Everything is gonna be fine man. You're gonna be OK. You walked home from the LAX house you crazy fuck(grins). I'll take care of the rest.
He was fine. The ER checked his leg and it was a hairline fracture. He needed to wear a brace for two months and it was tender after but he came out OK.
Afterwards I reflected. Why did I come down at the exact moment he was coming up? Would he have called me when he got to his room? It seemed to me too perfect, too much of a coincidence. I think I was meant to be there. I was meant to help my friend who I eventually became estranged from. He wasn't a great friend, we didn't get along in college. But I was glad. I was happy to help my friend who had befriended me in high school when not many did. I was glad to help out someone who was hurt and lost and needed someone to take care of them. Something put me there. I was guided there...
By the Hand of Fate.
I went to college at Illinois State University. All the dorms there have Subway's on the first floor. I OD'ed on Subway, always a foot long chicken teriyaki on wheat with cheese, olives, and sweet onion sauce. I was in the same dorm as a close friend of mine from high school, Drew, but didn't room with him. It was Sunday evening May first, May Day, my best friend and roommate was working at the local Bennigans so I had the room to myself. I was ignoring my calculus homework in favor of leveling up my characters in Final Fantasy 10. I got hungry around 8. I went down to get a sandwich and when the elevator doors opened there was Drew, dirty and crying.
Me: (concerned) Drew! What's up man? You OK?
Drew: (bawling, drunk) Fuck, man. I'm fucked up man.
Me: Drew, what's going on man, what happened.
Drew: LAX house(pronounced Lacrosse)...bands all day...this fucking hill man...slipped in the mud...shit man I think my ankle is broken...
Me: (very concerned) You broke your ankle?
Drew: Yeah. I heard a pop and then awwww...
Me: You walked from there?
Drew: Yeah.
Me: Jesus man. (all business) Stay right here, don't move.
(goes to subway, fills up a Subway to go bag with ice, returns)
Me: Alright, lets get you up to your room.
Drew: (slings arm around shoulder and hobbles)
Me: Here's what were gonna do. Were gonna go up to your room, you're going to lie down and ice your ankle. You have your car keys?
Drew: ...yeah...
Me: Give them to me. (he does) Good. Where's your car?
Me: Come on man.
Drew: ...Hester...Hester and School.
Me: Good. After we get you situated I'm going to go get your car, pull it out front and then comeback here and get you. I can probably be there and back in 15 minutes. Can you handle that or do you need an ambulance.
Drew: (tears leaking out) Naw man. Come get me.
Me: Alright. Then we're gonna go to the ER and get you fixed up. I'm here man. I know it hurts but I'm here and this will be OK.
Drew: (starting to cry)...My dad is gonna be so mad...
Me: (sharply) Fuck that. You're gonna be OK and that's the important thing. Look at me. Look at me(he does). It hurts, you're fucked up, I know. Everything is gonna be fine man. You're gonna be OK. You walked home from the LAX house you crazy fuck(grins). I'll take care of the rest.
He was fine. The ER checked his leg and it was a hairline fracture. He needed to wear a brace for two months and it was tender after but he came out OK.
Afterwards I reflected. Why did I come down at the exact moment he was coming up? Would he have called me when he got to his room? It seemed to me too perfect, too much of a coincidence. I think I was meant to be there. I was meant to help my friend who I eventually became estranged from. He wasn't a great friend, we didn't get along in college. But I was glad. I was happy to help my friend who had befriended me in high school when not many did. I was glad to help out someone who was hurt and lost and needed someone to take care of them. Something put me there. I was guided there...
By the Hand of Fate.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Graffiti 36
"A man's face is his autobiography. A woman's face is her work of fiction." -Oscar Wilde
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever." -George Orwell
Thursday, October 6, 2011
'Rocket Science' A Review

What follows is an interesting investigation of first loves, first heartbreaks, and ambitions. Hal fights against his position the whole movie. Fights against the fact he's an outcast, fights against his stutter, fights against his waning adolescence. He fights against the fact he's horribly outmatched by Ginny intellectually and sexually. The film is very unique in the fact it approaches growing up from a very real place. It has a wonderful score that extenuates many moments in the film. The fast talking back drop of debate also adds a playfulness to the film. All the characters are large and real. They talk how normal people talk and want what normal people want. They want a place, they want validation, they want some kind of explanation. It's a moving, fun film that even if you don't enjoy, rings true of growing up.
See It.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
'Moneyball' A Review

'Moneyball' is about the Oakland A's GM and his frustration about how the MLB works with all the rich teams having an unfair advantage over the poorer teams. Brad Pitt meets Jonah Hill and they implement a new idea, to stack the team by statistics of who gets on base the most. They attempt to structure the team to optimize runs rather than anything else. The idea behind this may be very interesting to sports fans or baseball fanatics. I was mildly interested in exactly what they were implementing but more interested in their passion for it.
What carries the movie is Brad Pitts fervor to change the game, his need to reinvent it, his desire to be remembered. Also the chemistry between Pitt and Hill is great. Pitt as a mentor and partner, leaning on hill for his ideas and his smarts but also teaching him how to work at the MLB. There's a scene where Pitt makes Hill let him go because he says hill have to cut, trade, or bust down a player one day. That scene really pays off when Pitt and Hill make a big trade and they both have to release players. It's the first time I've ever scene Jonah Hill be still or quiet or low status and it was great. The idea of what their trying to implement and their passion for it makes for a really interesting friendship between both characters.
The low points were few. Philip Seymour Hoffman as the manager was one. There seemed no point for him even to be in the movie. Whenever he was on screen he just frowned. He showed no emotion and no range. That could have been what they were going for but in that case there's no need to hire Philip Seymour Hoffman. It seemed to me the only reason he was in the movie was to have another star on the cast list. The movie also felt kind of long but to be fair I did see it at 10:20 on a Wednesday.
The acting was great, the chemistry between the characters drew you in, and the story was compelling.
See It.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Day Of The Dead
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Graffiti 35
"The most interesting information comes from children, for they tell all they know and then stop." -Mark Twain
"Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal." -John F. Kennedy
"Children begin by loving their parents; after a time they judge them; rarely, if ever, do they forgive them." -Oscar Wilde
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