Thursday, August 11, 2011

Graffiti 30

Photo credit to Adam.

"We cling to our own point of view, as though everything depended on it. Yet our opinions have no permanence; like autumn and winter, they gradually pass away." -Zhuangzi

Matt was in town over the weekend and I had mentioned this tag, it's done in chalk. I've been unable to get a good picture of it cause it's always been smudged or partially washed away by rain when I've seen it.

Matt: We had a guy in college who'd do graffiti with chalk.
Me: What was his name?
Matt: Hardcore Johnny.
Me: (laughs) And he did graffiti in chalk?
Matt: Yeah.
Me: Well this one, the point is that it's in chalk.
Matt: Yeah, Hardcore Johnny just didn't want to get in trouble if he was caught.
Me: That's kind of...against the spirit of it.
Matt: Yeah. he cornered me at a party once and was just so intense about it.
Me: (pause) He should of used a paint pen.

"I don't think that jazz, as any kind of an art form, has any permanence attached to it, apart from the practitioners of it." -Norman Granz

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