Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Open Letter To Regal Entertainment

Dear Regal Entertainment Group,

I recently watched a movie at one of your theaters and there was a disturbing advertisement that ran before the film. It started off as a montage of 'classic' scenes that might be in movies. The camera panned out until the action was pictured on a small television screen. A caption appeared "No movie should be reduced to this." The television then exploded and in bold type it said "Go Big Or Go Home."

I have two major problems with your ad.

1. Wrong Media. You're running this ad to try to get people to go to the movie theater because everyone does netflix, redbox, or illegally downloads. I get that. But you're running this ad at the movie theater. You already have our money. You're running this ad to the exact demographic you don't need to run this ad for. If you're actually serious about this campaign you should be running this ad on television. And by the very nature of this ad you're alienating the people you receive good business from. Which brings me to point two.

2. The Tone. The tone of this ad is douchely chastising. As if your stupid or weak if you don't go to see movies in the theater. Newsflash, you can't guilt people into going to see movies in the theater. I don't know who came up with the ad or who decided to run it in the theater but they should be fired. This ad is offensive, ineffective, and quite frankly insulting. For someone who sees any movie in the theater it makes me want to go to the movie theater less.

So, I'd like to take this opportunity to say to the Regal Entertainment Group-

Fuck You.
Fuck Off.
Go Fuck Yourself.


P.S. I want my money back for 'Conan The Barbarian.'


  1. Dude, I told you not to go see Conan the Barbarian.

  2. Saw this ad the other week and it reminded me of the intermission in "Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?"

  3. As an employee for Regal since 2007 I fully agree that they should get some smarter business practice and to fuck off.

  4. as a regal employee for over 15 years. they dont know any better. they have zero clue on how to build attendance. their only move of late is to cut cut cut payroll all to hell to expand profits.

  5. When I saw the ad the first time, I wanted to stand and cheer! And to tell you the truth, this ad makes me do it every time since then. I don't know why you take offense to the ad, I like it! No in fact, I love it!! I know they play it in the theater but where can they play it other than the theater? Think about it! Theaters are not making huge profits, films like Avatar have hugely skewed percentage in studio's favor. Read point number 3 in this article:
    Also, for your reading pleasure:

  6. It is meant to combat Video On Demand, which is when movies come out at the same time on Cable for a premium as they do in theatres. That was why "Piranha DD" didn't come out in any Regal theatre.

  7. How can a business hope to succeed when its customers are so dim-witted they are offended by, rather than appreciative of, an obvious positive purchase reinforcement advert? The ad has been *applauded* at at least one Regal, as noted in a different blog. Oh so very sadly, I've seen quite a few of these offended / don't get it comments and maybe one or two "how true!" comments.

    It isn't about piracy, it's about the fact that King Kong on even a 55" inch home LCD, let alone a 42" screen, is about as scary as a gnat. King Kong on the Big Screen is a whole other animal. Go Big or Go Home, indeed. If the movie box office dries up, the movies die.

  8. If you still don't get it, please read
