Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Some Love For The CTA

People complain a lot about the CTA and with the creeping insidious monopoly of Ventra and unpredictable delays there are negatives. But. For the most part the CTA is a marvelous thing. Sweeping and efficient, you can get to wherever you need to go in a reasonable amount of time with little to no stress.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all CTA employees. I've had nothing but positive interactions from anyone I've dealt with when asking for and receiving assistance. Some of them seem bored or worn down which is understandable and even then I've never felt negativity directed at me. And there are a number of people, like the chipper verbose train conductor, who bring so much energy, positivity, and happiness into the commute.

Next time you complain about the CTA or its employees try to put things into perspective. It must be a totally thankless job, a neverending grind, the trains keep running-the buses keep rolling. Remember those train or bus rides with crazies or drunk douchebags that ruined your day, they have to deal with that kind of stuff every day-all day.

The Chicago Transit Authority is a wonderful, easy, convenient system. I think sometimes Chicago residents take it for granted. And the bus drivers, the train conductors, the station attendants, are people- generally nice with their own lives to get through. Don't forget to treat them as such.

A smile and a thank-you go a long way.

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