Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Steve's Guide To Holiday Parties

1. Eat Up- More often than not there is a lot of food at such parties. Freely provided by the host or a pot luck type situations. Either it's free or mostly free. Indulge. And try all the cookies you can.

2. Drink Up- I don't drink but for those who do it's a good time to make merry. Shake off some of the winter doldrums. Stir the pot. If there is an open bar, take advantage. If its BYOB there's usually more than enough to go around. Give one, take two.

3. Stay Mobile- Don't get pinned in a corner. Stick and move. Engage with friends you haven't seen in a while and try to touch base with some people you may only know in passing. The energy at a holiday party can be a bit frenetic, ride it don't let it ride you.

4. Dance- If there's dancing and you like dancing- dance. If you're one of those people that is on the fence, survey the scene, if a lot of people are dancing and having fun join in. Don't be shy. This is our substitute for the Winter Solstice. Cut loose before buckling down for the long winter. Get those pheromones working.

5. Exit Strategy- Go in with an idea of how long you want to stay and try to stick to it. An hour, two, what have you. You don't want to get roped into something or get yourself into trouble. Have an excuse- work, a significant other, unattended Christmas shopping etc. You can also go in with the idea to stay all night, keep yourself open to the possibility of a kiss under the mistletoe or something a little more decadent. If that's what you're looking for stick it out till the end and see what opportunities arise.

6. Stay Safe- Use cabs, public transportation, and designated drivers if you plan to imbibe. If the holiday party is work related keep yourself reigned in around your boss. Try not to break or spill things. If you are directing your affections at someone be sure they are being welcomed.

The goal is to wake up the next day feeling satisfied not guilty.

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