Thursday, February 13, 2014

Random Thoughts 5

James sent me this because he said the song was stuck in his head. It's soothing and unsettling.

I got angry and spoke in anger last week for the first time in a long time. I apologized almost immediately after. It was comforting in an odd way. I thought I had lost my temper completely.

There are so few movies to see in the theater, I will more than likely see I, Frankenstein out of sheer desperation.

It's great to have federal holidays off but almost no one has them off with you.

A lot of people I know have been talking about moving. I feel like the harsh winter has shaken some things loose.

The cold and the snow don't bother me as much as not being able to ride my motorcycle.

Then I raised my head
and stared out over
the blue February waste
to the blue bank of hill
with stars on it
in strings and festoons---
but above that:
one opaque
stone of a cloud
just on the hill
left and right
as far as I could see;
and above that 
a red streak, then
icy blue sky!

It was a fearful thing
to come into a man's heart
at that time; that stone
over the little blinking stars
they'd set there.
-William Carlos Williams

Charlie Brooker creator of anthology show Black Mirror "I don't want to slag off shows like House or… well, I'll slag off CSI - why the f**k does anyone watch that?! It's the same thing every week, the same f**king thing! CSI: Miami is the one I'm talking about - why would anyone watch it? It's literally the same thing every f**king week! I cannot for the life of me understand. You watch it once and it's f**king brilliant - it's one really brilliant episode that they're showing again and again and again. David Caruso - a mental performance! I mean, a brave performance in many ways, but a mental one. Constantly looking like he's reading his lines off the floor and doing the whole sunglasses thing - mental!"

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