Friday, April 11, 2014

Gratitude 8

I've known Matt since 2007. We went through classes together at iO and performed together for the better part of two years. He moved to Richmond in 2009 with his then-girlfriend now-wife Katie to start an improv theater. I stood up in his wedding in 2010. We see each other about twice a year- when he rolls through Chicago around the holidays and when I make my yearly trip to Richmond. This trip Matt and Katie have been particularly kind and accommodating. Driving Nicole and I places, going out of their way to make sure we do and see what we want to do and see. Over the years it feels like our friendship has matured, its very easy and comforting. Separated by miles Matt and I still have a lot in common and are progressing in divergent yet parallel ways as artists and as adults. Spending time with Matt I realize that, even though we may not talk often, we are very much a part of each others lives. And for that I am grateful.
Taking this trip together, we got back today, Nicole and I put our relationship to the test for the first time. Outside of our Chicago lives and routines things had the potential to become a bit more emotional or combative, travel can be stressful in any circumstance and with a significant other doubly so. Nicole met one of my best friends, I met her's and some of her family, we traveled by bus, train, plane, and car across half the country and around a good portion of the state of Virginia. Through it all we got along. We were a unit. The whole experience felt rich. There were emotional moments and exhausted/exhausting moments but we always talked and all in all it was an incredibly wonderful experience. We grew a lot. I've never been with someone where I felt that or had a desire for that kind of intimacy. Nicole is kind and sensitive and sharp and loyal and courageous and she brings out those qualities in me. I am unspeakably grateful to have such an amazing woman in my life. This trip affirmed what I already knew. I am a lucky little ducky.

Recently I've been in a position to be open, present, and involved in my friendships and my relationship. Unlike I have been in years. It's gratifying to be engaged with such lovely and loving people to a depth I was previously too self-centered to reach. I am grateful for a clear head and the fulfilling connections a healthy state of mind makes available.

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